Bringing Order to Chaos For the Greater Good

🍃We are in a time of great chaos. Things that used to make sense, or at least had an "order" to them, no longer seem to. Chaos brings to our minds many questions in our need to seek to understand so that we can bring new order.
🌱The thing to remember is, chaos is just as much a part of our nature as order is. Nature herself is messy, yet there is order. Plants often grow towards the sunlight. Yet they can still grow every which way. As within, so without.
🌿How do we find order by embracing chaos? Can that even be done? Can chaos and order exist simultaneously? Absolutely. When we go with the flow, we travel towards our own version of sunlight. We travel to our happiness. It may seem messy, like chaos. But following our sunlight, our joy, going with that flow as often as possible, is the order that honors chaos and brings the best of both forces for our greater good.
🌺Have you been going with the flow? Or have you been pushing against and trying to control?
🌼What is one area of your life you have been forcing things, and what is one thing you can do to go with the flow in that area so that you will be led to the best and most joyous outcome?
🌹These are powerful questions, that can lead to powerful actions, that will lead to powerful results. This is the homework for today, don't skimp on it :)
🌻I offer personalized psychic, clairvoyant, and card (tarot, oracle, kipper, lenormand) readings. If you are in need of guidance, book your private psychic or tarot reading here.

📸Image by brands amon on Pixabay

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