It's Time to Shed Old Skin

✨If you want the best of everything, you can absolutely have the best of everything.

✨Depending on how life is going for you at this time, that may just feel like kind words with little meaning or truth. Or like a reality that is out of reach, or out of touch with your own.

✨If you have been trying to achieve your heart's desires, but seem to have hit a wall, you may feel like giving up. You may feel like you are not good enough, your process doesn't work, or you just weren't meant for your desires after all. That fate does indeed exist. That you have no creative potential or power.

✨But none of those beliefs or thoughts would be true. And you would know that in your heart, because you would feel terrible each time you thought them.

✨Achieving our dreams, goals, receiving our manifestations - it's not just about having the perfect plan, taking the right actions, or thinking positively. It is also about shedding our old skin, that maybe served us and protected us at one time, but hinders and holds us back now.

✨This old skin may have come from our schooling, our parenting, or even our own experiences being out and about in the world. But we can un-train ourselves from previous conditioning. We can learn new tricks. We are ever-evolving spirits.

✨What do you desire most at this time? And why do you believe you can't have it? Whatever your answers are, that is where to start evolving yourself. By choosing to honor your beliefs of the present, but also ready to let go and transform them to beliefs that serve you Now.

✨If you want a new reality, then it's time for a new you. Not a new haircut, new style, new things. A new way of BE-ing, of thinking, of expecting.

✨Not quite sure how to do that effectively? Watch videos 3, 4, and 5 in my law of attraction and manifestation playlist to learn how to transform your thinking starting today. This method has not only brought many manifestations into my life, it has worked for my clients. The law of attraction playlist is in the link below, let me know how it goes :)

✨Law of attraction playlist:

✨I also have a 50% off sale in my Etsy shop if you are in need of a personal psychic or tarot reading, or if you are looking for guidance around what skin needs to be shed in your life at this time, to manifest your desired reality.

Image by Barbara A Lane on Pixabay✨