New Moon in Virgo, A Time to Take Inventory of Your Life, August 27, 2022

It is important to remember that change is the only thing that is a constant.

Despite having enough life experience to understand this on profound levels, we can often find ourselves thinking what will be, will always be.

If things are going great, we may start taking it for granted. If we are living through difficult times, we feel stuck and imprisoned.

Each area of our life may find itself on a different side of this spectrum.

Take inventory of your life. How can you prepare yourself for change, whether that be giving yourself hope that things WILL get better, or making sure you aren't putting all your eggs in one basket should the gifts of your life take a sudden turn.

Change can be a wonderful thing. It can turn our sorrows into joys. And it can give us opportunities to try new things.

What makes change pleasant is when it is expected, and does not take us by surprise.

This is a great time to inspect your life. To see what foundations in your life you may be overly trusting.

If your job is going well, take a look at the projections of your industry or your role. Will demand be growing or falling? If growing, how can you position yourself even better? If falling, what next step would you like to start working towards so you are positioned well.

How is your love life going? If you seek a partner but feel a void, changes may come to you in a few months. Is your life set up and ready to allow that partner in? Do you have your home organized to invite in your dates, are you financially saved up enough to be able to go on activities with new partners, is your heart free of previous baggage to allow someone new in?

What about your home and routines? Virgo season is just around the corner. This Saturday in fact!

What weak spots might your home have? Here in Texas we have been having thunderstorms. And rainy season is just around the corner. We know we will need to replace our roof soon. What might your home need in the coming 6 months? Are you setting aside budget to prepare?

How is your life routine fairing up? Are you overworking to the point of burnout or finding yourself getting sick more often? Do you completely lack routine and structure, and wonder why you are not getting the results you intended with respect to your goals?

The anchor in the Lenormand deck represents stability. But we must make sure that we are reflecting on ourselves and our lives, to ensure continued stability as we weather the storms (pun unintended) and the sunshine ahead.

The more aware we are of where we are, the more power and control we have.

As a side note, this is why psychic readings can be so powerful. They let us know where our energies are and what is to come as a result. So we can prepare, or alter potentials.

By the way, I'm available for readings if you are in needed of some reflection and guidance in your life! You can check out my offerings here:

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