Preparing for Winter, Beaver Animal Magic & Virgo New Moon

Beavers are beautifully smart creatures that I feel represent the Virgo energy very well. Virgos are known for planning, perfection, engineering, building, and turning ideas to things. Those qualities are quite prevalent in beavers as well!

They spend fall months putting together their well-built, well-engineered damns, so that they may spend their winters warm and secure from intruders.

These damns include underwater entrances so they can get to safety from any intruders they come across. They are also built with bedrooms and areas for winter food storage. It's so cute to think of them in their cozy homes!

Virgo season falls just before / around the Autumn Equinox, the beginning of fall months. Just as the planets guide us towards cosmic flows and energies, and how we can best align with those flows to enhance our potentials for success, so too does mother earth with her seasons, and her animals as teachers.

Let's learn from the beaver. What do you feel lies ahead for you this winter? What do you read lies ahead for you this winter? And how can you best prepare for what is to come?

From a work and finances standpoint in my part of the world, we tend to either speed up or slow down in winters. Some experience post-school senioritis and holiday vibes that makes us more easy going. Others may work harder to meet deadlines or handle retail sales before the end of the year, maybe doing some overtime to be able to purchase presents for loved ones.

Socially, we may slow down knowing we have some vacation days ahead. Or speed up, with many holiday parties and gatherings to attend or host filling our calendars.

Emotionally we know we are finally nearing the end of the year - which can make us feel stressed with how many annual goals we have yet to achieve, or relief because maybe a bad year is coming to an end with the promise of a fresh start.

How are you feeling at this point in the year? How can you make changes now that allow you to end the year better than where you feel it is now. Are there goals you can still check off? Are there goals that maybe should not have been goals in the first place that you can cross off?

Can you give yourself some grace for what you think you should have accomplished that you did not and can not? Maybe you were sick more often than expected, may there were personal issues in your family you needed to deal with, maybe you should just go easier on yourself.

Beavers turn thoughts to things. And our mindsets are so powerful for turning our own thoughts to things. See what you can still accomplish this year, and give yourself grace for the rest. If you beat yourself up, what kind of mindset are you holding? One that does not serve, that is for sure :)

Reflect on previous falls and winters. What is your modus operandi? Do you tend to relax more, or work harder? Do you tend to fill your social calendar up or go more into introverted hibernation mode?

How can you prepare for your individual cycle? If you tend to work harder around this time, make sure to eat healthier and keep up with your exercise, so that your body is nourished and strengthened to support you in these times.

If you tend to relax, but often feel guilty after for "wasting time," plan some more relaxing activities that are also productive. Build out your reading / book list, or documentary playlist. Maybe this is a time to get into self-care habits that will serve you when you get back into action mode later.

Start saving now if you tend to need to work overtime during the holidays to prepare for gift giving. Maybe you can work fewer hours if you budget now, or have some extra cash for yourself if you decide to work overtime anyways!

Also, if you live in Texas, this winter is supposed to be one of the coldest. We know how that went in Feb of 2021. Make sure your gas lines are working, your roof is in good shape, and that you have enough chopped wood if you have a wood fireplace. Stock up on some extra non-perishable foods too, maybe buy some camping-type gear.

No need to go into prepper-mode. Just make sure you have a few of these things on hand so you feel good and safe like the Beaver as you channel your Virgo energy this Virgo Season and New Moon.

I'm available for private clairvoyant and tarot readings if you are in need of guidance for the months ahead. You can book yours here:

Image by Alexas_Fotos on Pixabay