Free Guided Meditation for Anxiety, Depression, and Stress

Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental disorders to affect adults. In fact, over 30% of adults will experience anxiety at some point in their lives. And that, of course, is just the number that is reported given that it is still stigmatised to a degree. 

When we suffer with anxiety, it can be incredibly difficult to get through a single hour or day. The feelings of nervousness, panic, heartracing can be unbearable at times. This of course cascades into all areas of our lives, from our performance at work, to our presence in relationships, to our ability to get a good night's sleep to better function the next day. Not to mention the health risks that come from this stress response over long periods of time. 

It is often not our fault that we struggle with anxiety, whether it is temporary due to a phase of life we are in, or more long-term. For some, it is brought on by difficult life situations - loss of loved ones, uncertainties at work, trauma created in adulthood. For others, a big factor in more long-term anxiety comes from trauma in their childhood or adolescence, even adulthood, such as verbal, physical, or emotional abuse. 

There are many ways to cope, find peace, and even heal this area of our lives - which then has a cascading effect of its own into all areas of our lives. Restful and deep sleep, more energy throughout the day, closer relationships with loved ones, enhanced performance at work, and more. Imagine all that you could do, and what your life could be like if you had your full self back. 

One of the best ways to relieve anxiety and depression is to work with a therapist. 

However, for some, that is not an option. You may worry about the stigma, you may be in a profession where it is not acceptable to have this disorder on your record, or you may not have the monetary means or insurance to help cover it. In these cases, another wonderful option is to meditate. 

There are many ways to meditate. Mindfulness is a very popular and effective one. However, when we are dealing with anxiety, this kind of meditation can be difficult and even unpleasant at times. A more effective solution is to work with guided meditations. 

I will soon be releasing an album that will specifically cater to relieving anxiety and depression and their many aspects. If you would like to get started now, or to have a sneak peek into what the guided meditation album experience will be like, listen to this free guided meditation for anxiety, depression, and sleep here!

It is wonderful for meditators at any level, even beginners. You can do this meditation in the morning, as you fall asleep, and any time you need to relieve stress throughout the day. 

Also, I have a light codes spiritual activation course for any lightworkers looking to find their divine mission, gifts, and action steps to fulfill them. The course is full of chakra alignments and deep trauma healing meditations along the way that can soothe anxiety as well. 

Best and Free Guided Meditation to Relieve Anxiety, Depression, and Stress