Meet our Basil Plant, and Her Message for Today

Let me introduce you to our basil plant! She was grown from seed a few months ago. She had it rough a few weeks ago when liquid fertilizer was accidentally spilled all over her leaves. She was badly burnt and wounded... until a few days ago when she bounced back stronger than ever!
We all have moments in life where accidents happen and we get burned and wounded. These moments can take much longer to heal, than it took to receive the damage. But healing occurs, if we give things enough time and care. If we show ourselves extra love, tenderness, kindness, and gentleness.
What parts of you are still burning or wounded? Are you giving yourself the kindness, love, compassion you deserve? If not, now is the time to do so, so you can rise like the phoenix, or basil, to a stronger, more vibrant and powerful you!
I'm available for readings if you are in need of guidance, here: