Chart Your Destiny in the Stars

What conflicts have you been involved in of late? Whether they involved others outside of yourself, or the others in your own mind, it is time to let them go. There is no gain in such situations. There is limited, if any growth, in tension.


There is, however, growth in reflecting on such tension. Think about the scenario from their side of things. Not to invalidate yours. Not to change who you are. But to gain perspective, and to release the tension you are holding onto. There is great freedom in not pushing against, and the best way to do that is to step in their shoes for a moment.


Once you have done this, it is time to let it go completely. And move on with your own business. There is much to do, much to get ready for and prepare.


What am I preparing for?, you might ask. Some of you have ideas, and others of you are at a total loss for what it might be. It does not matter where you are on that spectrum. It is still time to ready your ship.


How do I get ready for something I know nothing about?, you ask next. By taking inventory, of course. Of what? Why..., of yourself. What are your strengths at this time on your journey? What are your weaknesses? What do you wish for TODAY. Not the wishes from 10 years ago that you may still be aiming for. The wishes of YOU NOW, 10 years wiser than before.


Realign with your wishes of the you now. And then assess those strengths and weaknesses in relation to your new adventure and destiny. Do you have all you need in your spiritual knapsack? Are there some skills and resources you need to pick up along the way?


Once you know where you are headed, what you have, and what you need, create a plan. And this plan, is how you prepare. Take that course you've had on your mind. Go visit that place your heart has been longing for, even if it seems stupid or you don't know why you're called. There is a lesson there for you, if you pay attention. And it will help on the next phase of your journey.


The next phase will be very different from the last. It may be grand, amazing, larger than you could have ever hoped for. It could be smaller, but more balanced, one that makes your life feel cozy, soothing, and perfect.


It could also end up being dark and torturous, with never ending pitfalls along the way. But not if you plan, sweet one! Not if you prepare the way we have discussed. So take inventory of your dreams as You Now. And take inventory of yourself - your strengths, skills, resources - as well as what you need to acquire along the way. Write out your plan to get those items. Then start working through them.


Do this and you will be ready for the lows of life, and ever more fulfilled in the highs. Make sure your sails are free of tears, your life boat is sturdy, your life jacket is within reach. Bring a telescope to see the stars, some friends or books to keep you company, extras of your favorite snacks, and plenty of sunscreen and water. Make the most of your time here. Chart your own destiny.


I'm available for personal readings here:
