Manifestation through Conscious and Subconscious Mind

Most things in life are a combination of research / science + intuition / spirit. However, most only follow one or the other, and then wonder what is missing.

Some feel happy and flowy, but can't stick with their goals to reach completion or accomplishment. Others achieve their goals, but feel empty inside.

Meet our teen serrano pepper plant We bought him about two months ago in his tween stages.

Different articles had different opinions on how often to water him to help him thrive. And with multiple members in the household, there was a point where he was being watered too often. His leaves started to yellow and became misshapen. Then there was the pulling back to rectify, and the poor guy was getting parched!

Bring in the intuition! And look at him now, all lush, green, new leaves forming and growing, happy as he can be!

Combining research, as well as experience to get an idea of watering frequency + listening to him when he needs a little extra, or a little less, moisture = voila!

Like with all things in nature, they are reflections of the things we have going on in our own life.

What are you working on in your life at this point? What are you trying to grow, or what are you nurturing?

How are you going about it? All intuition? All mind and action? How are your results turning out? If you are struggling, consider combining the two aspects, physical and spiritual, it could lead to some surprisingly joyful results!

Gardening lessons are life lessons!

By the way, I'm available for psychic clairvoyant and tarot readings, you can find me in my shop here!