A forgotten key to manifestation you must know! Signs, Syncs, Space!

Can you spot the flower bud? We repotted our pepper plant a few days ago, and he's already looking happier than ever!

Much like our own selves and souls, as well as our desires and manifestations - we did this to give him room to flourish both in his roots and shoots. Are you allowing your soul to grow? How about your manifestations? Sometimes space, however uncomfortable, is just what we need.

Space from thinking about our desires. Space from an ex we hope to reunite with. Space from a twin flame. Space allows what was previously stunted, to expand into so much more. And even bud into flowers!

What are you learning about yourself and your process along the way?

The universe gives us signs that let us know if we are on track towards our desires, or not. If we don't give ourselves and spirit enough space, we will miss those signs.

Our pepper baby is just starting to bud flowers, which is a great sign. His leaves are a deeper green than ever. But, see the curling in his leaves? This is a sign that we are either still over-watering, or he is protecting himself from the Texas heat. My feel is the latter, but I will be observing him in the evening and early morning, see what he does, what signs he shares. And assess then.

What signs are you seeing reflected in your reality? Negative signs are not something to run from. They can give us clues on how to course-correct. Sometimes it requires a minor tweak, sometimes a complete change in direction. Either way, it is so that we may expand more fully, radiate more brightly, and flower more beautifully.

I'm available for personal clairvoyant psychic, tarot, and Lenormand readings! Book here: www.etsy.com/shop/psychicts