19 Signs & Characteristics of An Empath

Before I realized I was an empath, life was a confusing emotional mess for me. I couldn't understand why I felt great one moment, but terrible the next. Or why others seemed to adapt to toxic work cultures so easily, while I could barely keep it together with how hurtfully everyone treated each other.

Once I realized what I was, everything changed. I found a peace in that understanding and learned to find balance in myself. I am now the happiest person I know and more level headed than almost anyone I meet.

If you've struggled with the intensity of life, maybe you're an empath too and just don't know it yet :) This video is long, but we go over 19 different personality traits that empaths share.

I think empaths are the future leaders of our world. Once we regain our inner balance, we can take our places and lead the world from the heart.

If this sounds like you, or if you could use a little clarity in your life, be sure to check this video out and share with a friend who you think it could help! Also don’t forget to check out this other article to learn more about what an empath is and this one to learn more about taking on other people’s energy.

To get access to the free, 5 day Empath Survival Course and Tool Kit, sign up here: https://www.txs.solutions/empathsurvivalcourse/ 25 Things They Don't Teach in Business School - Empath Office Politics book: https://www.amazon.com/Things-They-Teach-Business-School-ebook/dp/B008HY0PEW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1539834086&sr=8-1&keywords=25+things+they+don%27t+teach Hey guys! Before I realized I was an empath, life was a confusing emotional mess for me.

I definitely suggest you watch the whole video as it is hard to capture the depth of what it means to be an empath. But if you’re in a rush, here is a high level list of the 19 characteristics and empath traits!

  1. You tend to be an agreeable person

  2. Empaths accept people as they are

  3. People feel more loved and accepted by you than they do by most people. You are always there for them

  4. Empaths have a hard time setting boundaries in your relationships

  5. You have a strong desire to help others, often at your own expense

  6. You forgive easily and can’t hate anyone

  7. Empaths sometimes give because they fear of negative consequences

  8. You find the work environment and politics very jarring and foreign

  9. You don’t like hierarchy or irresponsible authority

  10. Empaths pick up on lies and manipulation immediately

  11. Empaths second guess their instincts and have a hard time accepting someone could have false intentions

  12. Empaths are easily disturbed. They can’t help putting themselves in others’ shoes. They can’t tolerate cruelty, injustice or oppression

  13. You find it hard to lie to others. You have a strong dislike for dishonesty

  14. Empaths feel emotions they can’t explain

  15. You are or have been interested in spirituality, paranormal, metaphysics, etc. at some point in your life

  16. Empaths have a strong connection to animals and/or nature

  17. You feel like you came to earth to fulfill a purpose

  18. People often offload their stories and secrets on you even if they barely know you

  19. People you are close to and love feel you are always there for them

If you want more information to help you clarify whether you’re an empath, check out my other post on this topic!

If you know you are an empath and want to know what’s next, check out this post to find out what those steps are!