3 steps to better marketing that will get your audience hooked

3 Steps to Better Marketing & Growing Your Visibility

Building a business can be hard for a variety of reasons. Yet, we do so for just as many reasons. A few are:

  • We want to prove to ourselves that we can build something of our own

  • We want to make our desire for making money independently or by doing something we love a reality

  • We want to be proud of ourselves 

Even amidst the hurdles and confusion, we stay on the path of entrepreneurship for those same reasons. But sometimes we add new ones like:

  • We want to prove to others that we really can create our own income and business because we've been saying that for a while now and they've lost belief in our ability to do so

Nicholas Green

Nicholas Green

Our business "failures" or stagnation are not for lack of trying. Often, it's because we don't know how to make our dream a reality. We lack direction, or our next step. 

Marketing is one of those next steps, and one of those activities we're not always sure will work and don't always know how to do. That's what this post is about, up-leveling your organic marketing efforts. 

In the previous post, we talked about the Know, Like, Trust formula and how you can apply it to your business and marketing efforts. In this post, we talk about how to set a posting schedule so you can post more frequently and in a way your audience can look forward to. And, just as importantly, in a way that isn't adding too much additional work to your plate. 

1. Divide your current content style into smaller, individual pieces

The first thing to consider is, what content do you currently post today? Is there a way to break it up into 2-3 pieces of content?

I'm going to use the example of a psychic tarot or oracle card reader. Maybe the reader currently posts a pick a card reading, once a week. 

In that reading, there are 3-5 cards he/she reads. So for one post, he/she is essentially doing 3-5 readings. 

What if instead, they did 3-5, single card readings instead? It is about the same amount of work, but 3x or 5x the content! 

My previous blog post was originally meant to include what I am sharing in this post as well. But I realized it would make too long of a post. So I split it into two separate posts. I'm doing the same amount of work I set out to do, but now I get double the content. 

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2. Create categories of content to share. 

The next thing to consider when creating your content schedule is, what categories of content can you share with your audience?

When we think in terms of categories, it can be easier to generate new, interesting posts week after week. 

To pick your categories, you need to know what your business focus is. You need to know your topic clearly or niche down. Once you have that, it's easier to come up with your categories. 

Taking the example of a tarot or oracle card reader, he/she may specialize in love readings for people already in relationships.

So some categories could be: 

  • Oracle card pull readings for love advice for those in relationships

  • Inspirational quotes that are specific to people in relationships

  • Relationship advice for those already in relationships

  • Relationship goals couples can focus on

  • Advice you have for couples that you learned from client readings you did the previous week

  • Funny/cute stories from your own relationship or from relationships your friends are in

For business coaches, you might have categories like:

  • Business book of the week and your top three takeaways 

  • Inspirational quotes for entrepreneurs

  • Lessons learned for business from last week 

  • Marketing tip of the week

  • Advice from top business coaches 

  • Stories of how you've helped clients with common issues 

3. Build your schedule

Once you have categories you're happy with and where you can create posts that shouldn't take more than 20 minutes each day, simply assign days to each category. 

Tarot love readers for couples: 

  • Monday: Oracle card pull readings for love advice for those in relationships

  • Tuesday: Inspirational quotes that are specific to people in relationships

  • Wednesday: Relationship advice for those already in relationships

  • Thursday: Relationship goals couples can focus on

  • Friday: Advice you have for couples that you learned from client readings you did the previous week

  • Saturday: Funny/cute stories from your own relationship or from relationships your friends are in

For business coaches, you might have categories like:

  • Monday: Business book of the week and your top three takeaways 

  • Tuesday: Inspirational quotes for entrepreneurs

  • Wednesday: Lessons learned for business from last week 

  • Thursday: Marketing tip of the week

  • Friday: Advice from top business coaches 

  • Saturday: Stories of how you've helped clients with common issues 

hen, execute! Maybe even label your posts with the day of the week and category so your audience gets accustomed to your schedule and looks forward to each day. Like this: 

  • Monday's Oracle of the Week 

  • Business Book Monday

  • Inspiration Tuesday! 

  • Lessons Learned Wednesday

  • Relationship Goals Thursday

Stay consistent in your labeling so it stands out to your audience. 

You can also create hashtags so people can see all your posts in that category at one time if they decide they want to binge a particular type of content you offer! 

And there you have it! Each day, spend a few minutes planning or researching your post, a few more minutes creating it, and then a few more posting and sharing it! 

Or, if you prefer, now that you have a schedule of all the content you will share each week, you can create a full week's content in one day and then drip it throughout the week. 

If you like this content and want personalized guidance, be sure to book a free business coaching session with me here!

What kinds of content do you like to share with your audience?