How to Connect with Your Spirit Guides, the Complete Guide

I get asked often by friends, clients, and subscribers about how to connect with their Higher Selves and Spirit Guides. As a result, I see people hung up on the same mentalities that prevent that beautiful connection from happening.

And it really is a beautiful connection. Your Higher Self and Guides are the best friends you can take anywhere, who understand you completely, who give the best advice bar none, and who are happy to help you make any decision or answer any question, big or small.

Connecting with your spirit guides, higher selves, ancestors, ghosts, etc. doesn't have to be hard. In fact, they are speaking to us all the time. All we have to do is learn to listen.

So, today we're going to talk about it all. We're going to release these hang-ups for good, and discuss 3 very easy practices that will get you connected to your Higher Self and Spirit Guides almost immediately!

This is such a wonderful connection that I don't want anyone to miss out on. So the video is longer than most, and very thorough.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Edit: 11/11/2023 - These potent modules and many more on the topic are now available via the Meet Your Spirit Guides Course which you can find and learn more about here!

Photo credit: Shawn Suttle