What Energy Blocks REALLY Are

An important note before we begin:

***This is multi-dimensional information. So while it may take a while to make sense consciously, as you read on, the information will already be integrating with you and clearing portals, shifting mindsets, and broadening your potentials in life as we speak.***

What Energy Blocks REALLY Are

When you look up the question, "what are energy blocks or emotional blocks?", you'll find a lot of information describing them as repressed feelings from prior events that can stretch as far back as our childhood. These repressed feelings, over time, create emotional and energy blockages in your system that make it difficult to manifest your desires.

Once a block is identified, our instincts make us want to avoid addressing it. And when we finally do decide to address it, the goal is usually to remove it.

The thing is, what we call energy blocks or emotional blocks, aren't blocks at all. They are energy portals. They are centers of power, that when activated, can bring us closer to realizing our true selves, living in our power, and fulfilling our soul's purpose.

These energy portals are a bit like chakras. And they connect to each other like chakras do too, but in unusual and unexpected ways. You see, our bodies are full of interconnected energy webs that connect these nodes of power - these energy portals that we often see as blocks. Just as we are all interconnected to one another externally, we are also interconnected internally within ourselves. As within, so without.

This is why an energy healing session can have an effect in many areas of your life, not just the focus area of a session. I have done activations for clients in the romance area of their lives, and the next day they receive checks in the mail in the amounts they needed from a parent they haven't talked to in years.

As mentioned, people usually want to avoid or remove energy blocks. When really, they should activate these power nodes instead!

When you activate an energy block - which is really an energy portal, you're not just activating one node. You are activating whole areas, parts of a whole system. If you try to rip out a block, it's no minor thing. You are removing a nodal power point.

What are Energy Portals?

Energy portals are like vortices of possibilities and potentials. When they are fully open and operational, anything you desire can be yours. When they are blocked or tight, it can be hard for them to connect to your desires, and also hard for them to send out the clear vibe you want of your desire.

When you have a desire, it is placed on your energy portals like a film or image played on a project. When the portal is fully operational, it can easily project the image to a larger scale, the universe. When it is blocked or tight, the image it shoots out is a bit dim or distorted.

This results in desires taking longer, or coming in ways that aren't as pleasing as we would have liked. Or it results in desires coming and then leaving. Often clients come to me because they are able to bring in some abundance, but almost without fail, something happens simultaneously that requires they spend the same amount they just attracted. A toilet breaks, a pet gets sick, they get a ticket. Other clients I work with receive abundance, but through less than joyful ways, like a settlement from a car accident for example.

How do You Activate Your Portals?

To activate your energy portals, what you don't want to do is rip them out. Avoiding them keeps things as they are, and ripping them out takes away your power to create what you want.

Instead, you want to gently clean them. That comes with loving it. And it comes with understanding the true power of these portals. We'll talk about two techniques you can use to clean these portals in a bit. First, let's talk about the true power of them.

The universe has what we might call pendulums. If you grew up extremely poor, you may feel you were dealt an unfair hand. And in some ways, that is true. In other ways, you were also given the power of riches.

If you grew up in a situation of extreme lack, whether it was money, love, friendships, etc. you have a greater potential to achieve an equal amount of gain in those areas than someone who didn't experience as much lack.

So if you grew up extremely poor, you have a higher potential for achieving major riches, than someone who grew up middle class. Why? Because of the pendulums. Extreme lack is one side of the pendulum. But if you clean your portals, and therefore clear the path, the pendulum will swing equally as far in the other direction, to gain.

So, you see, your portals are your power. They are your keys to your desires.

Our Energy Portals Blueprint

We all respond to the same situation differently. Growing up, my siblings and I were taught we couldn't have feelings of our own. Yet, I am the only one who truly embodied that, which resulted in my being an Enneagram 3.

Why did I take on that belief more so than my siblings? Like how our genes/DNA is unique to each one of us, and also gives us predispositions to different things, we all have a unique energy blueprint and predispositions to certain blocks / portals. Then, certain events happen to activate these blocks - which again aren't blocks, but rather your portals of power.

These portals were there, built into you uniquely, so that you could become powerful in the ways you were meant to, to accomplish your desires in this world. Triggers are your first awareness of it, and now you can consciously activate benefits of them.

Understanding Our Link to the Energy Portals of the Earth

Just as there are energy portals here on Earth - think Sedona, Stonehenge, Machu Picchu, etc. we have energy portals in our bodies. As without, so within.

When activated, they resonate with the same frequencies as different energy portals.

We are all uniquely encoded with our own portal code. That's part of what makes us, well, unique. But every code can vibrate at the frequencies of the earth portals equally as well as others.

The more of us that align with these portal codes, the stronger the energy of the portals become. We feed those portals, instead of feeding the matrix, or allowing our energy to simply dissipate.

Why Do We Have These Portals in the First Place?

In life, we get caught up chasing goals that are external from us. While we may have the drive, passion, or purpose to go after something, after a while it starts to seem aimless, endless, exhausting, and empty. This is because we are too focused on what is going on outside of us. We want to measure up to our peers, or achieve a new level that we are told by society holds value, or we want to prove ourselves or please someone that we look up to. This can leave us scattered, forgetting who we are, and what WE want.

And this is where energy portals come into play. What these "blocks" help us do is reconnect with ourselves, who we really are, and what we really came here for. They help us find the purpose within, instead of the purpose without - the ones we have taken on, or that were given to us by others.

When we have a "block," we are eventually forced to face ourselves. To address what is going on. What has been suppressed, what wants to be expressed. What needs have been ignored or discouraged, that are important enough to surface back up for us to pursue again.

Looking deep within, activating these portals of our truth, which is our power, we find the clarity we lost along the way. We find the clarity in who we are, and our life direction and path.

Our purpose of course, does not quite exist. It's whatever WE want. But we lose sight of that, often trying to reach levels or milestones set by others, that we think will make us more loved by others if we hit them, not realizing that we are worthy of love as we are. It's all external motivation, not internal inspiration.

Techniques for Activating Your Portals

The first technique is: When you find these portals, don't avoid them. Instead, show them you care. Show them you understand that they were only trying to protect you until you were ready to unleash their power. Ask your portals if they need anything, or if they have anything they would like to share with you. Listen to their guidance or loving words. If you show them you honor them in this way, they will clear themselves!

The second technique is: Ask where it is in your body. Wherever you feel this portal or are shown, focus your mind's eye there. Clear it like you would clear your chakras. I have a chakra meditation exercise here that will help you with your portal meditation. In essence, you want to shine a light on your portal, or imagine it is a flower and turn the petals of this portal 6 times. Be honest with how the blocked it feels, and understand that this exercise may take a few times.

Final Wisdom for Working with Energy Portals

Our energy portals, or energy blocks, are a part of us. They aren't something we can avoid or separate ourselves from. They define us, and that's not always a bad thing.

Who you are is who you are meant to be right now. Your blocks helped get you this far. Now it's time to see if they will still serve you going forward.

If you don't feel like they've served you, know that they have, even if it doesn't appear that way at first thought. For example, there may be fears that you didn't have to address because of these blocks. Maybe you were afraid of being seen, so you didn't put yourself out there when you launched your business, and if you did you used a pseudonym, and this could have saved you from corporate backlash if your work found out about your entrepreneurial endeavors.

The quicker you see these "blocks" as your power points and not your impediments, the quicker you will be able to embrace them and harness their power.

Trishna's Temple Sharma Psychic Coach Cheetah Energy Portal Blocks Energy