Channeled Material

Leo New Moon - Time to Find Your New Throne

Happy New Moon in Leo. This is a time when you may feel lost on your journey. Unsure of what to call into your life next, or where to go. Completely drawing a blank on your vision for your future.

Not to worry! In this Leo New Moon video we discuss all of that and more! Including how this is a SECOND potent MANIFESTATION portal! Be sure to watch the video to learn how to best harness it’s energies and call in your desires.

Please enjoy the guided meditation where you will meet with your higher self and receive guidance on your vision, and where to go next on your journey ✨

Your Wishes Are Granted, Lion's Gate Portal 2023 Guided Meditation & Ceremony

The Lion's Gate Portal has been open for about a week, but is at it's peak today 8/8! It will continue to stay open for the next week or so.

This is an important portal to ask, not only for abundance in any and all areas of your life, but also for transformation in your life. Why?

Because this year's 8/8 portal has a personal day number of 5, the number of freedom and transformation! So any intentions you set regarding transformation will be extra potent!

Come set intentions with me for Lion's Gate where we will discuss the Sirius Star system, receive Lion's Gate transmissions, pull oracle cards, and travel to a sacred jungle to set intentions and receive light code activations with a Sirian emissary.

Foolish, Blind, Love

Love is incredibly misunderstood. Like many things, physical reality causes truth to allude us.

We focus more on the visual, obvious, evidence of love. Instead of understanding its true nature. We watch movies with large displays of wearing hearts on sleeves, elaborate proposals that can't be topped, long speeches from the heart.

These are all real examples of love. But they are the flashiest as well.

Are you over giving, without receiving?

Today water says, "Every day I give and don't receive much back. People share joy on my beaches, but not with me. They take food from my oceans but do not care for my waters. They spill oil, over hunt my fish and whales, and do not take accountability.

Sometimes my exhaustion at keeping up with the efforts to maintain my ecosystem turns into rage. In those moments, I take instead of give. And then I am vilified for it.

I do not want this for you. When you heal this in you, I may heal this in me."

Water wants us to reflect (no pun intended) on how we may be over giving in our own lives. Forgetting to take, forgetting to maintain balance not only within ourselves, but also in our relationships with people, situations, places.

How is giving but not receiving affecting us? Do we allow our exhaustion to turn to rage before we finally allow ourselves to take? Is this method of expression sustainable, does it actually bring us joy? Or does that frustration that gets us to finally take, beget more frustration.

If you find yourself living in this cycle in an area of your life, it is time to address it. Not by looking at those who are exploiting us or taking us for granted. But rather by taking a hard look at ourselves.

How could we be valuing ourselves more? And how can we start communicating our needs from a place of power, instead of a place of desperation?

Answers to these questions will awaken areas where you know you are worthy, but have forgotten for a moment. When you reunite with your self worth, you will set your boundaries firmly, but with more peace in your heart.

If you enjoyed this message and are a lightworker looking to awaken your own divine purpose, message, and gifts, come learn more about how you can receive spiritual activations that will do just that here.

Image by Ivan Tamas on Pixabay

Ivan Tamas on Pixabay

It's Time to Shed Old Skin

It's Time to Shed Old Skin

✨If you want the best of everything, you can absolutely have the best of everything.

✨Depending on how life is going for you at this time, that may just feel like kind words with little meaning or truth. Or like a reality that is out of reach, or out of touch with your own.

✨If you have been trying to achieve your heart's desires, but seem to have hit a wall, you may feel like giving up. You may feel like you are not good enough, your process doesn't work, or you just weren't meant for your desires after all. That fate does indeed exist. That you have no creative potential or power.

✨But none of those beliefs or thoughts would be true. And you would know that in your heart, because you would feel terrible each time you thought them.

✨Achieving our dreams, goals, receiving our manifestations - it's not just about having the perfect plan, taking the right actions, or thinking positively. It is also about…

Thinking Positively & Being Happy is Our Birth Right, Law of Attraction, Channeled Material / Messages on Manifestation

Thinking Positively & Being Happy is Our Birth Right, Law of Attraction, Channeled Material / Messages on Manifestation

It can be both fun and exciting, and also sometimes incredibly frustrating, to be here living on Earth. We have this beautiful connection to the divine that we can feel and that we can experience. And yet sometimes that connection feels so hazy and foggy. Or it feels clear, but the results that come from it seem hazy and foggy.

We live with this interesting concept of time. Where we receive guidance from the divine in real time. Anytime we ask, anytime we seek. But the results of said guidance are often delayed because of the physical realm an…

Are you honoring the gems of your life?

There is so much beauty and joy to see in the world and to experience each day in our own lives. Each day offers something for us to appreciate, and often even something for us to get excited about. It doesn't matter how low we may feel, there is always something special that reveals itself to us each day. And that is the gem of life.

As we unearth this gem, clean it off, admire it, we uncover other gems lying in the same bed as well. Soon we have a whole collection of jewels that are our life, our memories, the various moments to reflect on. And we realize that there are, and will always be, even more gems to be found if we keep digging.

What gems exist in your life today? What gems are you leaving where they are, instead of digging out, picking up, dusting off, polishing, and admiring? What gems may be discovered as a result of this first one?

Stinging Nettle Plant Medicine

"I didn't originate on Earth actually," the stinging nettle said. "I came from this universe, and watched the Earth from afar on an asteroid. The longer I looked down, the more I wanted to be a part of all that was happening. I am a god, after all. I can do anything I please. And of course I want to be a part of all creation."

"And so not knowing where I would thrive and where I wouldn't, I fell from the asteroid and made sure to scatter myself all around the world…