Should You Take Your Ex Back?

It took many frogs before I found my prince. Many dragons too. And I remember that journey well. The tingles of excitement and the rush of passion in the early weeks of a new relationship, followed by the harsh realities of heartbreak that eventually followed. 

The endless scrolling through dating profiles, sometimes out of deep sadness and longing, sometimes in hopes this next relationship would be the one I'd always dreamed of. 

I remember the mixed emotions of being grateful for my ex-partners, while wishing we had never met because the loss hurt too much. 

 And best / worst of all, I remember the cycle of make ups and breakups I found myself trapped in, time and time again. 

But my story is a happy one. I found my crowned prince. And that doesn't even do him justice. He is a King. 

We went on a date earlier this week. And you know how it felt? It felt like the tingles of excitement and the rush of passion of a first date + the security, comfort, and warmth of true love. It was divine.

My story is a happy one - and yours can be too. 

The path to your King / Queen, or however you want to identify them, sometimes requires that you kiss a lot of frogs. But, it also requires that you slay a lot of dragons. 

While not every partner is worth giving up on, not every partner is worth taking back either. Distinguishing between the two is the key to finding your true love sooner rather than later. 

Is your ex someone who will grow with you? Or is your ex holding you back from finding your King?    

If you are caught in a makeup or breakup cycle, and are wondering if your ex is still a frog worth exploring or a dragon that needs slaying, pick a card in this video below. I hope it will give you the answers you need to find your true love.