Is the Law of Attraction too Materialistic?

I started my law of attraction journey, like many do. I was focused on the physical. I wanted the dollars, best parking spots, prestigious job, love of my life, vacations all around the world. I wanted it all. And I got it all. 

To some, they will see my journey as material, and not spiritual. I don't see it that way at all. 

Yes, my journey started with a strong emphasis on the material. I was focused on all the things OUT THERE that I could get. But you know what? 

As above, so below. What we may label as purely physical or materialistic, is still spiritual. As we transform our physical experience through the power of our minds, we also transform our spiritual essence. 

Through the journey of accumulating what is OUT THERE, we start to delve into what is IN HERE, within ourselves. As within, so without.  

And once that transformation has begun, our journey to self-growth is launched. Instead of trying to accumulate tangible "stuff" from OUT THERE, we use that tangible "stuff" as an opportunity to grow IN HERE. 

Instead of asking, how do I use the law of attraction to get X, Y, Z. Our question transforms to, how can I attract experiences that will grow me into someone who would have X, Y, Z. 

Our quest for the material, turns into a journey of self-mastery. 

Watch my video to learn more about this journey!