7 Blocks That Affect Every Manifestation, Law of Attraction

It seems simple at first glance, but manifesting and the law of attraction can be some tricky business. 

The visualizing, vision boarding, and journaling parts are easy enough. But shifting our deep rooted belief systems? Well, that's a whole other story! 

But that's what it takes to manifest your heart's desires. Especially the big ones. It takes a complete transformation of how we view the world, in order to align with the version of reality that already holds what is ours. 

I know how overwhelming it can be once you understand that: I have to completely transform my view of the world? All of my beliefs? Where do I even begin such a large project? 

Don't worry, I've got some secrets to share. You'll soon see, it's not nearly as hard as it seems. In fact, it can be fun and easy once you know how! 

Through my 12-year manifesting journey, I have found that there are 7 categories of beliefs that hold us back from ANY desire we are trying to manifest. Love, wealth, health, success, vacations, small delights - any and every desire you can think of. 

Once you know what they are and how to work with them, 80% of the work is done, and transformation becomes something you can rinse and repeat no matter what you want to create in your life! 

Learn the 7 belief categories in my video below!