I remember when I first learned about the Law of Attraction. I tried to manifest everything under the sun. Free coffee, parking spots, love, money. For some reason, it just didn't work for me. Nonetheless, I knew I had discovered a game changer, and I was committed to mastering this skill. And so, instead of giving up, I truly studied the law of attraction.
I started this journey 12 years ago, and my persistence has certainly paid off. I have true love, abundance, career success, and beautiful relationships with friends and family. I work from home and order most of what I need online, so I rarely need parking spots to begin with! And when I do, no, I don't always get the best ones when I'm by myself. But I get them every time my fiance is in the car!
The law of attraction isn't just about visualizing or journaling what you want. That's just the tip of the iceberg. The law of attraction is about reflecting on your true beliefs about yourself, and others. It's about building a loving relationship with yourself - and YOURSELF!
But sometimes, we get stuck in our reflections. We know there is something we need to work on within ourselves, we just can't figure out what that something is. The harder we rack our brains, the more stubbornly it slips from our reach.
Not to worry! Through my years of working with this wonderful, though often frustrating, law, I have come to find 5 trusty ways to help you identify and reflect on what beliefs you have that are holding you back from your desired reality. And I share them all with you here!