Distance Energy Healing to Build Trust in Yourself

It wasn't that long ago, when speaking the truth could get you killed. Today, speaking fake news can make you president! Talk about a 180 (and a clear example of the cycle and oneness of duality).

It is important, now more than ever, that we trust in ourselves first and foremost. I see intelligent people of all walks of life, getting swept up in the words of authority figures spreading fake news, half truths, and conspiracy theories. Those who claim TPTB are dividing us, are the ones who divide us the most. We are in a time when the risk of being led astray is too high, and the cost too great. 

This is why we must evolve to the next phase of our spiritual growth. The one where we look to ourselves for authority, instead of depending on others. Many of us have been on this journey for quite some time. Others of us have been more reluctant. Why? Because it can be a little scary. 

But, wow is it freeing when you start to trust in yourself above others. When what you believe comes from your alignment with your Higher Self. When you are your own best friend and adviser. When you no longer need anyone else to give you direction. It is true empowerment when your thoughts and actions are your own, and come from your core within.

If you're ready to take back your power, watch this energy healing video to rebuild and activate your trust in yourself!