Lion's Gate Portal Activation & Channeled Message for August 8 / 8 2021

To be honest, when I first heard about the Lion's Gate Portal a few years ago, I wasn't all that impressed. I thought it was just the new age spiritual community getting gung-ho about nothing. I mean, doesn't it seem like every astrological event is treated like this mega, one-time, not-to-return-for-a-long-time, must-focus-on-NOW, event?

However, my views on the Lion's Gate Portal and it fitting into that category have since changed. In fact, after exploring the energetic potentials of this time period and harnessing them for myself, I now see this time as a potent blessing. A time of the year we can rely on, when we can reset and re-envision our goals. An annual gift from the universe when the energy is ripe for manifesting our desires.

If you'd like to harness the energies of the lion's gate portal for yourself and your own manifestations and law of attraction or magick work, I invite you to listen to this channeled message I received on the August 8th lion's gate portal. It even includes channeled guidance for those who are born on this fortuitous day of August 8, or 8/8.

Here are some of the major points you’ll find in this lion’s gate portal activation:

  • When the lion’s gate portal opens and closes, as well as the most potent day to work with this energy

  • Why the lion’s gate portal is so powerful from astrological, numerological, and symbolical perspectives

  • How the usually opposing forces of the Sun and Sirius blend together beautifully at this time, and how to harness that energetic synergy in your own life

  • The two of coins in tarot, and how it’s wisdom aligns with the lion’s gate portal

  • Guidance for those born on August 8, as well as for their loved ones

  • How the law of rhythm and law of polarity come into play with an 8/8 birthday

  • This recording is embedded with light code activations for those who are open to receiving them

The lions gate portal activation and channeled message is in the video below! Enjoy :)

For more on twin flame reunions, read more here.