You Will Achieve Physical Manifestation by Doing This

Last weekend I was in the pool while vacationing in New Orleans. I was treading water for a bit when I had an idea. I went to a shallower part of the pool where I could touch the ground and waited for the surface of the water to smooth out and calm down.

Then in a quick flowy motion I moved my hands, which were several inches under the water, and watched what happened.

In a matter of a few seconds, the movement created by my arms below started to ripple and bubble up to the surface. Sometimes even making the surface a little tumultuous.

What was previously happening only under the surface in the unseen, was now shifting everything on the surface in the seen. Forever changing the order of molecules that were once there. Forever altering the fabric of reality.

And that's exactly how the universe works. When we have a desire, the universe immediately acts as our hands, moving quickly under the surface, in the vibrational, making the changes happen as soon as we desire them. Then those changes bubble up to the surface for us to see and experience in our reality, in the physical.

Normally in the pool these shifts on the surface, effected by the changes below, are happening all the time. People are swimming, dunking, summersaulting. But so much is going on, that we don't notice all these changes from down under making their way up to our experience. It's hard to tell heads or tails of anything. Movement in one area that may or may not be beneficial may show up in another area. It feels like chaos that needs to be managed instead of changes we can enjoy.

This is akin to allowing our mindset, beliefs, thoughts, etc. to go haywire. We swim from positive thoughts about our desire to negative ones, allowing our beliefs and feelings about our desires to summersault. We allow others to dunk on our beliefs with their own opinions, often not realizing how much their opinions impact us if left unchecked. And the ripples and splashes their belief systems create across our whole lives, not just the topic in question. Beliefs we take on for one subject often find themselves in other subjects. Sifting through it all becomes quite chaotic.

The trick is to do the important mindset work, but to also take moments to calm and smooth the waters within. So you can allow the quickest, smoothest path to experiencing your desires in physical reality.

Every day, and especially when things get crazy, separate from the action. Go somewhere and allow the waters to calm and smooth over. And you'll soon see all the universe has been working on for you, surface in your reality.