Everything You Need to Know About the Lion's Gate Portal August 8

With the lion's gate portal already upon us, many are wondering:  

  • When does the lion's gate portal open?

  • When does the lions' gate portal close? 

  • What is the best day to harness the magic of this time? 

  • What do I do during the lion's gate portal to harness the energy? 

The good news is, your search ends here because we will be covering all of that and more! 

The lion's gate portal starts on July 26th and goes until August 12th, with the most pivotal time being August 8th. 

August 8th is pivotal for a number of reasons, and from a variety of different spiritual perspectives. It is potent numerologically, astrologically, and symbolically. 

Astrologically, the Sun and Sirius are aligned. 

Numerologically, 8 is the number of abundance and prosperity. 

Symbolically, 8 is a side-ways infinity sign and represents infinite potential and the need for balance. 

In the northern hemisphere, the lion's gate portal falls during the summer months, just before school starts. This is especially symbolic as it aligns with both, the energies of the sun, as well as the energies of Sirius. 

The sun represents relaxation, joy, enjoying the moment. Summer is a time of vacations, swimming pools, barbeques, and summer break. 

Sirius represents analysis, intellect, a focus on the future, wanting to do, create, and act. 

The lion's gate portal is nearing the end of summer, when we start thinking about the new school year, what supplies are needed, reorganizing schedules, etc. So you can see how the two energies blend together during this special time.  

These two energies of relaxation from the Sun, and wanting to act from Sirius, are often opposing energies. But because Sirius and the Sun are aligned during this pivotal time of the lion's gate portal, instead of these energies opposing each other, they flow into each other and blend together in a beautiful synergy that is potent for manifesting our desires. 

You see, when we try to manifest our desires, we often err on the side of trying to make it happen, or on the side of wanting things to happen to us. During this time, the energies are in perfect balance with one another. We can easily tap into an energetic place that allows us to relax into our desires, allows that energy to grow within us, and allows us to follow the perfect inspired action that will lead us right to where we want to be. 

So, if you are looking to manifest your desires, this is one of the most powerful times to do so! You can do so at any time during this lion's gate portal (July 26 - Aug 12) with August 8 usually considered the most potent of days in this timeframe. 

Simply relax in whatever way you choose. Meditate, drink a nice cooling beverage, go for a relaxing walk. Then allow your thoughts to daydream of all you want to create. Allow those daydreams to percolate within you. Don't try to make them happen now, don't even create plans now. If you do that, you are focusing too much on the energy of Sirius, when a blend is needed at this time. Simply relax, enjoy yourself, daydream about the future, allow those daydreams to grow within you, and the magic will unfold. 

If you're looking for a lion's gate portal ceremony and ritual that you can do yourself, check out my ritual here! 

And if you would like to dive deeper into the energies of the lion's gate portal, listen to this channeled message and activation in the video below. You will learn more about the lion's gate portal, August 8 birthdays, how to harness this energy, and how to manifest your desires no matter what disadvantages you may think you have. We also touch on how the two of coins from the tarot aligns with the wisdom of this wonderful time. And finally, this transmission is embedded with light codes and activations for those open to receiving them! Enjoy!