Lion's Gate Portal August 8 - What to Do & Ceremony

The Lion's Gate Portal is a pivotal time for manifesting the desires you have on your heart. With the sun and Sirius stars in alignment, it is a time when the energies are ripe for your manifestation success. Not sure what to do to make the most of the August 8 lion’s gate portal? Here is an easy, but very potent ritual and ceremony you can do to harness the lion's gate portal energy in your own life!

To complete this lion's gate portal ceremony or ritual you will need a:

  • Candle

  • Lighter

  • Paper or journal

  • Pen

  • Tarot or oracle cards (or other divination tool of your choice)

  • A quiet place where you can spend 20-30 minutes

The first thing you will want to do to bring in the lion's gate portal energies is to find a nice place where you can focus your energies for about 20-30 minutes. This can be in your home, backyard, etc. Somewhere you can be for 20-30 minutes uninterrupted, and where it is safe to light a candle.

If you’d like a lion’s gate ritual for twin flames, you can find one here!

To begin with the ceremony, you want to light your candle. This signifies to your brain that you are focusing your energies on the moment at hand, that you are doing something important. It sets the tone that the lion’s gate portal ceremony and ritual has begun.

Next, take a moment to close your eyes, take a few slow, deep breaths, and focus your attention within.

If you work with guides, your higher self, ancestors, angels, source, God, a deity, ask them to join and support you, your ceremony, and your manifestation intentions. If you do not work with any of these entities, it is no matter. You can ask for support from mother earth, the sun, the lion's gate portal energies themselves, or anything else of your choosing. Or simply skip this step.

Then, meditate for five minutes. Take in the moment, feel the presence of support around you, relax knowing that this is your time when you can simply sit and enjoy the moment.

As you get ready to leave the meditation, start lightly thinking or daydreaming about the things you want in your life. A new job, new relationship, more acknowledgement at work, stronger social connections, whatever comes to mind for you.

If you receive any guidance during the meditation or intention daydreaming phases of the lion's gate portal activation ceremony that you feel called to note down, write them down in your journal or on your piece of paper.

Next, pull your tarot cards, oracle cards, Lenormand cards, kipper cards, runes, or other divination method of your choice. It is best to use a divination tool that can answer more than yes or no, that can provide bigger picture guidance.

Pull 3 cards for any guidance you need to receive to manifest your desires and intentions this year. Feel free to pull additional cards if you need any clarification.

The idea of this potent time and of this ceremony is to relax and daydream about where you would like to go. The keywords here are to relax and daydream. This is not a time to create concrete plans. That comes after the lions gate portal has come to a close on August 12. To understand why, watch my lion's gate portal activation channeled message below.

Once you feel complete with the guidance you have received, close your eyes and thank your spirits that you invited in earlier for being present with you, supporting you on this journey, and providing the needed guidance for you to hear. You can also thank the energies of the lion's gate portal if you prefer. Modify this to fit your personal belief systems.

Then, close the ceremony by blowing out your candle.

The ceremony is complete and you can rest assured that you have honored the energies of this time, are working in flow with them, and have harnessed them in your own life. Follow the guidance you received as inspired going forward, and watch your desires unfold in the life before you!

To learn more about the potent August 8 lion's gate portal energies of this time, be sure to watch the channeled message and receive the activation in the video below!