Lion's Gate Portal & Twin Flames Ritual

The lion's gate portal is a beautiful time to harness and direct the energies of the cosmos to further support your twin flame reunion. Here is a simple but potent ritual you can do to call in a healthy relationship with your twin flame, whether you are yet to reunite, you are in a separation phase, or if you are currently with your twin flame and want to take your relationship to the next level this August.

You will need:

  • A warm bath

  • Rose scents and/or rose petals

This ritual is simple, but very powerful. Simply take a warm bath doused in rose petals or rose scents, while calling in the energies of the lions gate portal to assist you in manifesting your love. And allowing the energies of this time to open the path to your twin flame, and help heal any wounds you carry regarding love and self love.

For more on twin flame reunions, click here!

Normally when we think of a rose petalled bath, we think about doing this for our partners, or a partner doing this for us. We may also think about enjoying the bath with our beloved.

However, the lion's gate portal is a time of manifesting. And manifesting requires sitting with, and working on the Self. How can we know what we want to bring into our lives, if we aren't connected to our core?

This is why it is important to take this time for yourself, and to love yourself with rose petals as you would with your love.

As you relax into the scents and the warm waters, and as you call in the energies at this time to assist you, you will open yourself up to all the universal assistance available. Whether that is for clearing obstacles on the path, or for healing wounds you still carry. And you will connect to the vibration of lasting love through the rose scents and petals.

You should walk away from this experience feeling more empowered, ready for love. Feeling ready for anything life brings you. Manifestation isn't about going out and making things happen. It is about having things come to you, exactly as you want them or better.

In taking this time to give yourself love you are focusing on you. Not chasing your twin flame or fixing a problem in the relationship. You are focusing on you. And in doing this, you are in alignment with the energies of the cosmos at this time. Which is one of relaxation, daydreaming about our desires, and not going out to make things happen, but allowing them to come to us.

For more information on twin flame reunions, go here. on manifesting your twin flame during the lion's gate portal, read this article here. To work with me directly on your twin flame relationship, book a session with me here.