Lion's Gate Portal and Twin Flames and Soulmates

While the lion's gate portal is ripe for manifesting your twin flame, it is important to understand how to work with and harness these energies in a way that will lead to the reunion you seek.

The first thing to understand is, the reason why we are unable to connect with our twin flame is because we have wounds around love and self love that we still need to heal within ourselves. There are still aspects of ourselves that are incomplete, that we need to make whole in order to reunite with our matching and resonant whole.

For more on twin flame reunions, go here!

The second thing to understand, is the lion's gate portal is potent for manifesting our desires, whatever they may be. However, if we don't understand the energies of this portal, or how to manifest powerfully, we could miss out on the benefits this time has to offer us!

Manifestation is not about making our desires happen, but about allowing our desires to materialize into our reality, exactly as we want them, or better. To allow our desires, we need to have a particular energetic balance within ourselves that promotes manifestation.

The lion's gate portal is potent for manifesting because the energy of the cosmos is perfectly blended and balanced in the way we ourselves need to be balanced in order to manifest.

This means that no matter where we may be in our personal balance at this time, we can tap into the cosmic energetic balance and harness it for ourselves. Since the cosmic energies are balanced in the perfect way for manifesting, if we tap into them we add a boost to our own manifestation efforts. As above, so below.

What is this perfect balance? In short, the perfect balance is one of relaxation, daydreaming about our desires, but feeling no need to go out and make them happen. Read this article on the lion's gate portal here to learn more about the magic behind this powerful balance.

The other important piece to note is that we must know what we want to manifest, and what needs healing within. Both of these require sitting with the self, understanding our desires, and how we may be holding ourselves back.

If you want to manifest your twin flame reunion, this is a time to step back from trying to make the relationship happen. From trying to find our twin flame, or reunite with one if we are in a separation phase.

It is instead a time to reflect on and honor the wounds within that need healing. To sit with them instead of running from them. To move energies around to heal them if we so desire. This is a time to show the self more love, more kindness, and more compassion.

This is a time to relax and daydream about our desires, but not to make them happen. And to heal any parts of us that are still hurt. For only when these wounds get resolved and are allowed to heal, can we be a match to the healthy version of our twin flame relationship.

Acknowledge any hesitations you have about reuniting with your twin flame. Any fears or concerns around meeting them. Any ways in which you do not feel ready. Any hurts from the past that surface. If you are afraid of accepting this level of love. Notice these and allow the energies of the Sun, Sirius, and the lion's gate portal to heal you.

For a loving ritual to do with yourself during this lions gate portal to harness the energies and flow them towards a beautiful relationship with your twin flame, see this article here. To book a session to work with me directly on your twin flame relationship, go here.