How to Manifest During Lions Gate 2021

The lion's gate portal is a potent time every year. But it is especially so in this year of 2021, when we have our Leo new moon, in addition to the already powerful alignment of fixed Star Sirius with Orion's belt and our Sun - all falling on the 8th day of the 8th month.

For more on twin flame reunions, go here!

Knowing all of that, it makes sense that many people want to understand how to manifest during lions gate 2021. With the energies so potent and heightened at this time, we certainly wouldn’t want to miss out on all of the potential lions gate 2021 can bring into our lives!

Often when we are manifesting, lions gate portal or not, we easily find ourselves falling into traps that keep our desires from materializing. We may try too hard, take action too soon, try to force things with our minds. This all comes down to not trusting in the power and help of the universe… or during the lions gate portal, also not trusting in the power of the cosmic forces and our guides on Sirius.

And as with everything, this lack of trust in something in our external reality - the universe, Sirius guides, lions gate cosmic forces, etc. - is a reflection of a lack of trust in ourselves. A lack of trust in our power to manifest. Which comes from a deeper feeling of unworthiness of the things that we desire.

And so, instead of addressing the trust, we unconsciously try to overcompensate for these beliefs of unworthiness by trying too hard, taking action too soon, trying to manifest and will things into being too hard with our minds. If we can force it to happen, then we can gloss and put a band-aid over our true feelings of unworthiness.

This year, why not try something different in how you manifest during the lions gate 2021 portal. Understand that this is a time of thinking about our desires, writing them down, and then leaving them to the universe and our guides on Sirius to handle for us while we simply let go and allow the energies of this time to engulf us with their potent magic. Understanding that we are so worthy, that all we need do is clarify what we want by writing it down, and then go off and enjoy the magic of the time.

And in the moments where you doubt, or find yourself wanting to take action too soon, instead of giving in, acknowledge that behavior. Understand what it signifies. And spend some time giving yourself self-care. In doing so, you are showing yourself that you ARE worthy of what feels good to you.

Do this, and not only will your manifestations during the lions gate portal be more powerful, so will your manifestations the rest of the year!

Want to learn more about how to practice self love? Watch the two channeled videos below.

Need help connecting with your truth, self worth, and manifesting desires? Book a 1-1 session with me here!

Want to learn more about the lion’s gate portal? Go here. Want to learn more about twin flame reunions? Go here!