Law of Attraction and 13 Signs Someone is Thinking of You and What to Do About It!

The law of attraction is the belief that whatever we think, feel, and believe, is what we will create and experience in our external reality. Change your thoughts, and you change your life experience.

Since whatever we think about is what we attract towards us, this means that if someone is thinking about you, you will be drawn to that person. You will be "attracted" towards them. Essentially, if someone is thinking about you, then you in turn will start thinking about them. And you will sometimes even have urges to take action to move closer towards them.

So if you are wondering about the law of attraction and signs someone is thinking about you, here are the signs to look for that indicate they are indeed thinking about you!

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They frequently pop up in your thoughts.

If someone is thinking about you often, then you will find that they frequently and randomly pop up in your thoughts. This doesn't mean that you are thinking about them all the time, but they will come into your mind more often than people who don't think about you.

You keep seeing them in your dreams.

Dreams are often our subconscious mind trying to send us messages. So if you keep seeing someone in your dreams, it could be a sign that your subconscious is trying to tell you that they are thinking about you.

You see them when you close your eyes and meditate.

If you take some time to sit in silence and focus on your breath, you may start to see visions of the person you are thinking about. This is because when we meditate, we are opening up our third eye chakra which allows us to see things that we normally can't see with our physical eyes.

You feel their energy.

When someone is thinking about us, we can often feel their energy. This is because our energy is connected to their energy. So if you feel like someone is staring at you, or thinking about you, they might actually be!

You have a sudden urge to talk to or text them.

If you start feeling like you really need to talk to someone or text them out of the blue, it could be that they are thinking about you and trying to send you a telepathic message.

You keep bumping into them.

If you keep randomly running into someone, it could be a sign that they are thinking about you. This is because the law of attraction will bring us into contact with the people we are thinking about. So if you keep bumping into someone, it could be a sign that they can't get you out of their mind!

They show up in your social media feeds.

Social media is a great way to see if someone is thinking about you. If you keep seeing someone's name or face pop up on your feed, it could be a sign that they are trying to send you a message.

You feel a strong connection to them.

If you suddenly feel like you have a strong connection to someone, it could be because you are spiritually connected to them. This happens when we share the same energy frequency.

Your friends mention them a lot.

If your friends start mentioning someone a lot, it could be because that person is thinking about you. Your friends are picking up on the energy of the person who is thinking about you and their subconscious is trying to give you a message.

You have a strong gut feeling that they are thinking about you.

If you have a strong feeling or intuition that someone is thinking about you, it's probably because they are! Our gut feelings are often right and they can pick up on things that we aren't consciously aware of.

Their name shows up a lot.

If you keep seeing someone's name pop up, it could be a sign that they are trying to get your attention. This could be in the form of their name appearing on signs, license plates, or even just randomly in conversation.

You smell their odor.

When someone is thinking about us, we can often smell their scent. This is because our sense of smell is connected to our memory and when we smell someone's odor, it can trigger memories of them.

You find random things that remind you of them.

If you keep finding things that remind you of someone, it could be a sign that they are thinking about you. This is because the law of attraction will bring us things that we are thinking about. So if you find yourself seeing things that remind you of someone, it could be because they can't get you out of their mind!

What to do If You See Signs Someone is Thinking About You?

If you notice any of these signs, it could be a indication that someone is thinking about you. So what should you do if you think someone is thinking about you?

There are a few things you can do to encourage the person thinking about you to take action.

Think about them yourself.

If you want the person thinking about you to take action, then you need to put some energy towards them yourself. Think about them often and send them good vibes. The more you think about them, the more likely they are to take action.

Visualize what you want.

If you want the person thinking about you to contact you, visualize it happening. See yourself having a conversation with them or receiving a message from them. The more detailed your visualization, the better.

Put it out into the universe.

Tell the universe what you want and ask for signs. The universe has a way of bringing us what we want, but we have to be clear about what we want first. So if you want the person thinking about you to take action, be specific and ask for signs from the universe.

Be open to the signs.

Once you've put your intention out there, be open to seeing the signs. The universe will start sending you clues that the person is thinking about you. Pay attention to your dreams, your gut feelings, and synchronicities.

Attract Your Desires.

The law of attraction is about attracting our desires, not chasing after them. Trust in the divine timing and flow. You don't want to jump the gun and try to make something happen before you are both fully ready. Instead, go with the flow and keep going about your daily life. You will receive inspired action when the timing is ideal.

Take inspired action.

The trick with inspired action is we don't realize it is inspired action until we look back. Hindsight is 20/20 with this one. Don't over think this. Just keep your vibes high, soothe any doubts you have, keep living your life, go with the flow, and the universe will take care of the rest in no time. Move too soon, aka non-inspired action or regular action, and you could add kinks to the path that the universe then has to work around. And this of course slows down the manifestation.

Happy uniting! And if you would like to start mastering the law of attraction fully, be sure to check out the free law of attraction course here.