9 Affirmations to Manifest Money & Abundance

When it comes to manifesting money, the law of attraction is key. And one of the best ways to harness that power is through affirmations.

Affirmations are positive statements that help to reprogram your subconscious mind. By repeating them regularly, you can train your brain to think more positively about money - and attract more abundance into your life.

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Here are some Manifesting Money Affirmations to get you started:

- I am a money magnet, and abundance flows to me easily and effortlessly.

- I am worthy of financial abundance, and it shows up in my life now.

- I release all resistance to having more money, and open myself up to abundance.

- I am grateful for all the abundance in my life, and more is on the way.

- My relationship with money is healthy, positive, and abundant.

- I deserve to be paid well for my time, energy, and expertise.

- I am abundance incarnate, and prosperity is my birthright.

- I claim my power to create financial abundance.

- Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better at manifesting money.

Start using these manifesting money affirmations today, and see how quickly your relationship with money changes for the better!

How to work with money manifesting affirmations and the law of attraction

The best way to make affirmations work is to say them out loud, with feeling, every day. So find a comfortable place to sit or stand, take a deep breath, and repeat your chosen affirmation(s) as many times as feels good. Remember, the more you use them, the more effective they will be.

You can also try writing your affirmations down in a journal, or even better, creating a vision board full of images and words that reflect your desired financial reality. The more you surround yourself with reminders of abundance, the easier it will be to manifest it in your life!

If you find yourself struggling with affirmations, be sure to check out this post here for a very special trick to make your affirmations infinitely more powerful!