How many times should we repeat an affirmation every day?

When we start working with affirmations and the law of attraction, we may wonder how many times we should repeat an affirmation each day, and if saying it only once is enough. The answer to this question will not only give you the answer to this question of how many times you should repeat an affirmation each day - it will give you an answer to almost any question you have about any manifestation process you use now or later. So let’ s get into it!

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Law of attraction work works differently for each one of us. So treat it and see it like an experiment in learning YOU and your own connection to the energy and law.

What this means is, try out different things. The result you want is: to feel better once you are done reciting your affirmations, than you did before you recited the affirmations.

So for how many times you should repeat it - as many times as feels good. For the experiment, you can try 5x at first.

If it makes you feel worse, lower it the next day. If it makes you feel good, and you want to leave it at 5x, then leave it at 5x. If it feels good but you want to keep going, then keep repeating it so long as it feels good. If at any time you want to reduce or increase it, do so.

The universe already knows your desires and has already created them for you. All you have to do is relax and feel good so you can receive it.

The words you say are not creating your manifestation. Again, it has already been created. The universe is not responding to your words. It is responding to your vibration.

Feel good, and the universe gives you things that feel good - aka all your desires.

So the ideal number = as many times as feels good.

It can be one time. 5 times. Whatever feels good to you.

If you don't know what feels good, pick a number and decide it’s the right one, and then decide to feel good about that decision.

Curious about whether there is a limit to the number of different affirmations you should recite each day? I share the answer here.