Is there a ideal limit on the number of affirmations to be said in a day?

Often when we first learn about the law of attraction, we make it more complicated than it needs to be. If we work with affirmations, we wonder about how often we should say them, what time of day is best to say our affirmations, is there an ideal number of times to state them, should we be focusing on our affirmations all day.

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In this article we will discuss the ideal limit and number of affirmations we should say in a day. Should or can we say 20 different affirmations in a day? Is that too many, too few?

The answer is - Yes, there is a limit to the number of affirmations to say in a day... but it will change each day.

The limit is - when it starts to feel like a chore, when it starts to tire you out instead of make you feel better.

If you are saying 20 affirmations a day and afterwards you feel tired or it felt like too much to you, then shorten it. If you feel great after saying that many, than keep doing it.

The point of affirmations is to put us in a better feeling place. If we feel better, we are getting closer to allowing our desires, to receiving them. If we feel great, we are in receptive mode. If we feel good most of the time and allow that to become our dominant energy, then we manifest not only the desires we have been focusing on but many more as well. Life truly becomes delicious in every way possible, with so much more to savor to come.

Focus on feeling good and let that be your guide. Do that, and you have the answer to all your questions regarding the law of attraction and how to manifest your desires into reality.

Want to learn when the ideal time of day to state your affirmations and manifest your desires is? Read the answer here.