Is writing affirmations every day 10x more effective than saying affirmations?

Many wonder what is the most effective way of working with affirmations. Listening to our voices pre-recorded stating our affirmations, listening to others stating affirmations via meditation tracks, stating our affirmations aloud each day, writing our affirmations out each day.

I recently saw a post by someone asking if writing affirmations every day was 10xx more effective than saying them. So in this article, that is what we will cover. Is writing affirmations more effective than saying affirmations?

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Writing the affirmations certainly brings more mental focus to the affirmation which helps. When we write, we are often engaging more of our minds and bodies in the process, and it is harder to be distracted from what we are doing as a result.

But really, the best way to know which method is will be effective for YOU is to try writing out your affirmations for a week and see how you feel about it.

If it feels like it is bogging you down and you aren't feeling the feels of the affirmations, then try a different approach.

The point of affirmations, or any manifestation work, is to feel better after you have worked with them. If you feel the same or better after writing affirmations, than you did before you sat down with your journal, then keep going.

If you feel worse, then switch it up to something else. Repeat this for any variation of working with affirmations you are curious about. If you want to try listening to your own voice on audio, try that. If you want to say them aloud each day, try that. If you want to say them in your mind each day, try that.

Always notice how you feel before and after you work with affirmations each day. That is your key to whether it will bring about your desired manifestations!

Want to know how many times you should repeat your affirmations each day? Find out here!