When is the ideal time to say affirmations?

When we are new to the law of attraction and working with affirmations, we often have a series of questions. We get very analytical about manifesting, and want to find that magical formula that will bring our desires to us and fast.

While there isn’t a magic formula, there is a magic rule or model to live by: How does it feel?

Let’s take the question of - is there an ideal time to say affirmations? I have read in some websites that the time before going to sleep at night is ideal to say affirmations.

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The main answer is: whenever it feels best to you.

If you are not in a good mood, it’s maybe not the best time to say affirmations. When you are in a neutral to positive mood - it’s a great time! Once you’ve stated them, ride those feelings for as long as you can.

With that said, some good rules of thumb are to say affirmations as you fall asleep, and when you wake up.

Falling asleep thinking about your affirmations / desires / feelings you want to feel - primes your subconscious and entire being to feel that way more naturally. And so the thoughts and feelings you have as you fall asleep each night will become your baseline thoughts and feelings over time.

I find that this practice also helps you wake up feeling good. Then once you wake in this higher vibe state, say your affirmations as you get out of bed. This boosts that already good mood and sets the tone for the rest of your day.

After a few days of doing this before and after sleeping, you will find it is much easier to stay positive. And also much easier to notice when you don’t - so you can course correct sooner rather then later.

Want to know if missing affirmations for one day will impact your manifestation progress? Come find out here.