When you use affirmations do you still need to keep focusing on your goal for hours each day?

Law of attraction is natural to each and every one of us. But due to societal conditioning, we tend to make it much more complicated than it needs to be. It really can be quite easy when we understand the fundamentals.

We will explore some of those fundamentals now using a question a newer law of attraction practitioner recently asked: Do I focus on my goals for hours everyday, or do I just let the affirmation do all the work?

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It’s important to remember that your subconscious, your higher self, the universe, etc. already knows what your desires are. And your desire is already created. In fact, it is created and ready for you almost as soon as you first desire it.

So you are not creating your desires by doing manifestation work. Your desire already exists.

Rather, manifestation work is done so that we feel better. When we feel better, we are in alignment with ALL that we want. Whether you have been thinking about each specific desire recently, or ever, or not at all.

So you don't need to focus on your affirmation all day or for hours, unless it feels good to you to do so.

The main thing to try to achieve for as long as possible each day is feeling good.

If you are trying to figure out how to spend your evening, and you have a few options, ask yourself which one feels the best. Then go do that one.

If you don't know what to do at all, ask yourself what would feel good right now? Meditate, go for a walk, relax, read a book, watch a show, drink a smoothie, take a warm bath, etc.

If you are in a situation where you must do something you don't want to, see if you can do it another time. If you can't, then find a way to feel better about it before you start.

The only thing you have to do is feel good. If affirmations get you there, then awesome. If it becomes a chore, or if you convince yourself you must do them to attract your desires, then you are not doing them because they are fun and make you feel good. So then, let them go and go do something that feels good instead.

Want to know if writing affirmations is more powerful than speaking / saying affirmations? Find out here!