Is it ok if you miss affirmations for one day?

Many who are new to law of attraction have many questions regarding how to work with affirmations. How many times should an affirmation be repeated each day, will our affirmations still work if we write them, do you need to focus on your affirmations for hours a day, when is the ideal time to say affirmations, and is missing affirmations for one day ok?

A new law of attraction practitioner wanted to know: I always practice my affirmations daily, but one day I was really not feeling well and could not practice them that day. I understand that affirmations must be practiced continuously to see the effects. Will missing a day of saying my affirmations impact my progress?

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If you have been wondering about the answer to this question, here is what you need to know.

It is good to work with affirmations - but often when we practice daily we get WAAYY to caught up in it. And then it becomes more about the routine, instead of feeling good and KNOWING it'll come no matter what.

It’s important to understand that your subconscious, the universe, your higher self, etc. already knows all of your desires. You don't have to keep reminding her / them. Your desires are a part of you.

Affirmations are here to help you feel good, so you can be in receiving mode.

If you are sick and not feeling well, and you choose to focus on your health and feeling better through other means - you did EXACTLY what you should have done. You worked on feeling better... which again is the whole point of the affirmation to begin with.

Don't overthink this :)

Also, remember that it is your DOMINANT vibration that creates. If you have been working on your affirmations for a while - that is your dominant vibe. One day is not going to make a dent compared that.

So the answer to this question is… Yes, there will be an impact on your progress - it will actually help! It can be helpful to take our minds off our desires for a bit, so we can let go and allow our desires in.