What are some easy manifestation ideas? Law of Attraction

Manifestation and the law of attraction is incredibly fun and delightful once you get the hang of it. Our vibration rises, we feel amazing, we feel the energetic power coursing through our veins and we want to channel it into new creations for ourselves. But, what to create?

That is what a new law of attraction practitioner recently asked: what are some great things people can manifest easily? Iā€™m also not patient enough to be in that space of receptiveness. Here is some law of attraction wisdom along with some ideas on what you can call into your reality!

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You can manifest absolutely anything. This means, you can even manifest what you want manifest - like what your next manifestation idea can be.

If you are still looking for easy ideas on what to manifest easily, you can manifest your favorite foods and experiences.

For experiences, it can be things like:

-A really nice hiking experience that feels peaceful and uplifting

-A coffee date (romantic or friend) that feels calming and exciting

-Your next conversation with X person to be insightful and satisfying

-A book that provides exactly what you need and want to hear at this time on your journey while providing an adventurous escape

If you want to learn how to detach / be in that receptive and receiving mode, I recommend meditating. It puts you in a state of positive balance.

Want to know if you need to focus on your goal for hours each day when you use affirmations? Read more here!