Are you honoring the gems of your life?

There is so much beauty and joy to see in the world and to experience each day in our own lives. Each day offers something for us to appreciate, and often even something for us to get excited about. It doesn't matter how low we may feel, there is always something special that reveals itself to us each day. And that is the gem of life.

As we unearth this gem, clean it off, admire it, we uncover other gems lying in the same bed as well. Soon we have a whole collection of jewels that are our life, our memories, the various moments to reflect on. And we realize that there are, and will always be, even more gems to be found if we keep digging.

What gems exist in your life today? What gems are you leaving where they are, instead of digging out, picking up, dusting off, polishing, and admiring? What gems may be discovered as a result of this first one?