Thinking Positively & Being Happy is Our Birth Right, Law of Attraction, Channeled Material / Messages on Manifestation

It can be both fun and exciting, and also sometimes incredibly frustrating, to be here living on Earth. We have this beautiful connection to the divine that we can feel and that we can experience. And yet sometimes that connection feels so hazy and foggy. Or it feels clear, but the results that come from it seem hazy and foggy.

We live with this interesting concept of time. Where we receive guidance from the divine in real time. Anytime we ask, anytime we seek. But the results of said guidance are often delayed because of the physical realm and layer that we live in.

A lot of times in the spiritual community we talk about distortion in the energy grid and field here on earth. But really the distortion is not created by entities outside of ourselves. In some ways they are. But in most ways, these distortions are created by every single one of us. But we can choose to live here in the distortion without experiencing as much of it for ourselves if we want.

And of course, the way to do that is to keep our thoughts as positive as possible. Now this is often considered very difficult to do. Because of course we have negative thoughts. Sometimes those negative thoughts are our own. Sometimes they are thoughts that we have taken on from others. Sometimes they are thoughts that we have embodied within ourselves because of our societal conditioning.

And with all of that around us and in us, we often think that thinking and feeling positive can be quite challenging. However, while in some ways it may be so, in many other ways it is not.

Connection to happiness and wholeness is every single one of our birthrights. It is the most natural of all things. We do get out of practice, but that connection is always there.

We do not have to make ourselves think positively. If thinking positively is our birthright, then it is something that we do already every single day. So instead of trying to think positively, all we must do is wait for our positive thoughts to come to us naturally each day. And then to notice when that happens, and then to ride that wave.

Life is a series of waves. Various waves traveling in every which direction. Some waves are bigger than others. Some waves are more tumultuous than others. And the question is, and this question is posed to us every single day, and really it's posed to us every single moment, which wave will we ride?

Everyday we experience many of these waves. And every day we get the choice of which one we will ride and follow. Everyday we have the opportunity to ride the wave of positive thought. But just like with any pro surfer, we must wait and be patient for that positive wave to come to us. And when it shows up, that is when we hop on. And if we hop on that positive wave, and we ride it as long as we can, more and more waves just like it greet this one. More and more positive waves come our way. Until it is the majority of what we are riding every single day.

You're doing extremely well. Keep your eyes open for those positive waves every single day. Those moments where a fond memory comes to mind, or we have an idea that feels good, or someone says something kind to us. And when that moment happens each day, notice it, and ride it. If you have a fond memory come to mind, relive that memory and all of its fondness. If you have an idea that feels amazing, keep thinking about that idea and how amazing it feels. Don't go into planning. Just stick with what already feels good. If someone is kind to us and it makes us feel warm inside, stay in that feeling of warmth as long as possible.

If we do this, we never have to over manage our thoughts or try to make ourselves think differently and more positively about anything. We just allow the positive thoughts to come to us, we revel in them, and soon enough our whole way of thinking becomes positive 98% of the time. This is what it means to be high vibe. This is what it means to live. This is what it means to experience the best of reality.