Are you over giving, without receiving?

Today water says, "Every day I give and don't receive much back. People share joy on my beaches, but not with me. They take food from my oceans but do not care for my waters. They spill oil, over hunt my fish and whales, and do not take accountability.

Sometimes my exhaustion at keeping up with the efforts to maintain my ecosystem turns into rage. In those moments, I take instead of give. And then I am vilified for it.

I do not want this for you. When you heal this in you, I may heal this in me."

Water wants us to reflect (no pun intended) on how we may be over giving in our own lives. Forgetting to take, forgetting to maintain balance not only within ourselves, but also in our relationships with people, situations, places.

How is giving but not receiving affecting us? Do we allow our exhaustion to turn to rage before we finally allow ourselves to take? Is this method of expression sustainable, does it actually bring us joy? Or does that frustration that gets us to finally take, beget more frustration.

If you find yourself living in this cycle in an area of your life, it is time to address it. Not by looking at those who are exploiting us or taking us for granted. But rather by taking a hard look at ourselves.

How could we be valuing ourselves more? And how can we start communicating our needs from a place of power, instead of a place of desperation?

Answers to these questions will awaken areas where you know you are worthy, but have forgotten for a moment. When you reunite with your self worth, you will set your boundaries firmly, but with more peace in your heart.

If you enjoyed this message and are a lightworker looking to awaken your own divine purpose, message, and gifts, come learn more about how you can receive spiritual activations that will do just that here.

Image by Ivan Tamas on Pixabay

Ivan Tamas on Pixabay