If you are questioning your life, here's what to do

You are not the only one that doesn't know what they are doing. The energy is murky and unclear these days. As a result it can be hard to see the path ahead, let alone just one step. Keep moving forward anyways. It is just a haze, and if you keep going, you will find that you were headed the right way all along.

This is a time where we may be questioning our choices, our path, if we have been going in the right direction to begin with. Why did we choose this path? Was it for the right reasons?

Yesterday, people may have been inclined to tell you what to do. To give you their unsolicited guidance whether you wanted to hear it or not. You may have been the one giving guidance to another as well.

But today, no one is guiding anyone because everyone is just as lost. So know that you are not alone. Know that clarity will come. Just not right now. It comes on the other side of the haze. But to get there, you must keep going.

Do this, and you will find clarity in about 3 days. The fog will fade and part away. And answers you never received with such clarity will be waiting for you. And you will be ready to see them.

When it rains, it can be hard to see through the windshield as we drive. But once the rain starts to dry and the dust has settle and washed away, we can see clearer than ever before.

Keep going and wait it out, because that is what is on the other side for you if you do.

For awakening lightworkers wanting to know their divine mission, purpose, and gifts, learn how you can receive your next spiritual activation here.

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Image by Pezibear on Pixabay

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