An Exercise to Find True Happiness from Within

Life is multi-dimensional. Every moment carries within it the entire spectrum of joy, or lack thereof.

Some moments are easier for us to see the bright side. In other moments all we can see is sorrow or darkness.

What makes one easier to see than another at any given time? It is our connection to our hearts.

Our minds can take us any which way. Whatever way the wind blows, our mind goes with it too. We see this in corporations and their politics. One moment a leader is well-regarded and everyone adores them. The next moment, they have made a misstep politically, and the winds change and everyone wants to look the other way.

We see this in the news, taking us from one side of the emotional spectrum to the other. Sometimes we are taken back and forth within the course of one day. Other times we are held at one end for weeks, before we are shifted the other way.

When we follow our mind, we cannot be sure where we will land. Are our thoughts our own, or just what the wind is bringing us that day?

When we follow our hearts, all that is external fades away and we can tune into what matters to US in that moment.

Focusing externally is what brings about a lot of issues and indecision in our lives. We make decisions based on what we think others will think of us, or how we think our actions or lack of action will make them feel.

We follow societal "norms" because if we do not, we worry we will be ostracized. So we hide what we really want to do, for the shorter-term acceptance. All the while, sabotaging the longer-term acceptance of our own selves.

Over time, this behavior of following the mind or the external, colors our life experience and gives us the full range of multi-dimensionality. From sadness to ecstasy. We tell ourselves that this is what it means to be human. To feel the despair, so that we know we are alive and truly feeling.

Yes, it is is human and natural to experience all of these feelings. But the majority of it is manufactured by our external.

We feel low self-worth because advertising thrives off of that. That low self-worth or lack of confidence is not authentic, it does not come from within, it is not the language of the heart.

So if you want to experience not only multi-dimensionality, but authentic multi-dimensionality, if you want to experience most of the happier ends of the spectrum, listen to your heart.

Sit with yourself each day and notice how you feel. Do not judge what you feel, simply notice it. What memories come up, what sensations. Simply observe.

In time, those darker feelings that are not ours, that are manufactured from withOUT, will start to lose their grip. And you will feel more like yourself than ever before. Because you will be more authentically YOU. The You without the societal norms and conditioning. The You that you were meant to be.

This Virgo season, put to rest the judgments about yourself that you have taken on from others, or through warped mindsets you have been conditioned into. Free yourself from the trappings of the mind, by going through the heart instead. You will find yourself a much happier person after 4 weeks of practicing this.

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