Finding Balance with the Virgo New Moon

Sometimes when we begin stretching, we feel tightness. We worry that if we push too hard, we might over do it. Sometimes we wonder if we will break or tear apart. But all that is happening is a stretch.

We feel this in life as well. Sometimes we feel we are being pushed past our breaking point. But really we are just being stretched beyond what we thought were our limits.

This teaches us a few things. The first is that we are more capable than we realized. We are more powerful, stronger, than we ever thought.

The second is it teaches us that maybe our boundaries for ourselves were too strict, too cautious. And they need to be readjusted. Much of the life journey is about setting boundaries, and about readjusting them as we flow through different stages of our life.

The third is it teaches us where our new boundaries must be, and must be upheld. Just because being pushed stretches us and takes us outside of our comfort zone, does not mean that we should be pushed on a constant basis. We need time to rest and recuperate and relax too.

The key in life is to find balance. Sometimes that looks like partying really hard, and then working really hard. Two extremes, but held in balance.

Sometimes balance looks like flying in the middle across the board, not hitting any extremes at all, just maintaining.

Other times it means that certain priorities get the greater percentage of our focus, while other areas get less. And that the priorities of today, may shift as we go through other experiences in life.

For example, when we first enter the workforce, it may be our priority to do well at our careers. To put more time into it, energy, care.

As we start build a family, we may focus more on keeping our jobs rather than excelling at it, as our priority is now to build a future for our family.

Once the birds have left the nest, it may be time for a career change, and focus is spent on networking and trying new things to expand our skillset and options in the workforce.

Each person's life is unique, and so too is their balance. At this time in our collective journey, we are being asked to assess the balance that we have held of late. And to make some shifts in it, based on what is to come.

What balance have you had in your life these past few months or years? How does that balance need to evolve and change based on who and where you are today?

With the Virgo New Moon up ahead, it is time to start changing up our plans, routines, balance, schedules. Tweaking what was old, improving it, and starting it anew.

By the way, I'm available for personal psychic and tarot readings. Book here if you are in need of guidance: