How to Get Unstuck

Life is often better than we think it is. What gets in the way is the mess we create in our minds, and that others create with their masks.

If you saw the Sandman series, there is a man named John who possesses Dream's ruby. He uses it to make everyone honest in their words, intentions, and actions - thinking this will make for a better world. Of course, we shouldn't always follow every impulse or let down our masks in all situations, and this does not workout as intended.

Masks are certainly important. But as we go about life, it can be helpful to know that we wear masks, and so does everyone else. And this observation and remembrance can help us detach a bit more from the physical reality that we see. Not everything is as it seems.

Knowing this, we can take certain things in life a bit less seriously. And when we do that, we find that we get hurt a bit less, and have more fun. We find that our issues seem to solve themselves, or we gain a greater understanding of others. We let down our mask of seriousness a bit, and it lets others fade some of their own masks away too.

If you are struggling in life or relationships, feel stuck in a cycle, or wonder - what GIVES??? Well, take that stuck thing or topic and decide to take it a bit less seriously for a little while. You may find that it unlocks the luck you thought you were denied all this time :)

I, for one, will be using this with my health today. I recently got sick. I am feeling much better but am dealing with some stubborn mucous and breathing issues. Even as I think about taking these issues a little less seriously, I feel my chest and muscles and bones relax and ease, and air enter my lungs just a bit more readily.

By the way, I'm available for psychic and tarot readings here if you are in need of guidance. I will be offering healings soon as well!: