So you’ve taken empath quizzes, watched some videos, or read some of my articles including this one that covers what it means to be an empath and this one that covers the 19 traits and characteristics of an empath, and you are coming to terms with what this means for you.
First of all, welcome to the club! It may not seem like it right now, but this is a great group to be a part of! Yes, it has its challenges, but you know in your heart that you came here with a purpose. Part of that purpose is to lead humanity to the next levels of its evolution.
At the core it means:
Learning how to manage your own emotions so others can be inspired to do the same
Embracing your gifts so you can better relate and give to all walks of life
Being the embodiment of love so you can passionately find win-win solutions for all
Trusting your instincts so you can empower others to trust their own
And of course, learning to love yourself, which is a journey we are all on together.
Photo by frank mckenna
If you’re at the beginning of your journey, this may seem like it’s too much, or you may not know where to start. I assure you it is not too much. You came here to do all these things, you were built to be a guide for us all. It is already within you, you just have to unleash it!
Where do you begin? By doing the following:
Find Emotional Balance
Learn techniques to help you cope with how overwhelming it can be to absorb others’ energy. It may seem like an impossible task, but finding emotional balance doesn’t have to be difficult at all. In my free, 5-day empath training course I cover all the techniques I learned over the years that have made me the most well-balanced and positive person I know. We cover everything from shielding, grounding, releasing negative energy, cleansing energy and much more.
Meditate Regularly
Meditate daily for 20-30 minutes. At the very least, meditate 4-5 times a week. I cannot stress the importance of this enough. If you need more information or want ideas on types of meditations, join my free 5-day empath training & survival course. I cover meditation in depth, including its importance, on Day 4. I will also plan to offer guided meditations so keep an eye out for that!
Find Your Purpose
This is probably the most challenging aspect of your journey because your purpose won’t be one specific thing that stays static as you grow through life. It grows with you as you learn, experience and try new ventures and directions. Not to fear, I have a few things to help you get started. Like this article on how to find your purpose, and this article on how to cure loneliness – which also goes into finding your purpose.
Connect With Your Inner Compass
Connect with your Higher Self and/or guides. With a little practice and trust, connecting with your Higher Self and/or guides will give you a confidence in yourself you can’t get elsewhere. You will no longer need to ask others how you should handle a situation or seek their validation. Why? Because when you’re stuck, you can just ask your guides. The answers are all already within you.
If you would like to contact your spirit guides, you can learn how here. I also recommend you read this article on why you aren’t manifesting what you want (and how to fix it) where I talk about who your Higher Self is.
Set Intentions
Once you are connected with your Higher Self and have an idea of your purpose, start aligning the universe’s forces to support you by focusing your intention on your goals. To learn how to do that, read this post on how to create affirmations and intentions that actually work!
Believe in Yourself
Connecting with your inner compass, will go a long way to growing your self-confidence. Believing in yourself is critical to living a life of success. We all have pitfalls and obstacles. The key is truly in getting up and pressing forward. The empath’s journey is not an easy one and we often suffer from low self-worth. If you would like a boost to your self-confidence, I recommend my free release limiting beliefs course so you can let go of self-doubt and believe in yourself.
Activate Your Empathic and Psychic Powers
You came here with special gifts to help you navigate your life and to share with the world. So naturally it is important to activate them! I will have more detailed information on this soon so stay tuned!
In the meantime, connecting with your inner compass and meditating regularly will not only boost your confidence and help you identify your purpose, they will also get you in tune with your empathic and psychic powers so be sure to work on both of those.
And of course, be sure to sign up for my newsletter on the home page so you can be notified as soon as my guided meditations and psychic powers and Higher Self posts come out!
This is a long list so take it in bite size pieces. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it was built. Start from the top and as you master each item, move to the next. Or, just start with whichever item you feel the most called to or think would be the most fun and go at your own pace.
The most important rules are to have fun and follow your inner compass. I suggest you meditate regularly, but if your Higher Self suggests you only do so once a week or once a month, follower that instead. You are here to learn and then teach empowerment. That comes from receiving guidance from whatever sources you feel called to, but also remembering to first and foremost trust yourself.