What is an empath: who are they at their core?

In a nutshell, an empath is someone who is first and foremost heart-centered, and they can best be defined by how they interact and handle conflicts in their relationships.


Photo by Nine Köpfer

Photo by Nine Köpfer

Being heart-centered and empathic doesn’t mean that we don’t have our down days or angry days. Empath and heart-centered beings experience the full range of the emotional spectrum.


What it does means is, even when an empath is experiencing these shadow emotions, they will do right by the other person. And not only will they do right by the other person, they will often be there for others at their own expense.


Relationships are sacred to them and they are always prioritizing the needs of others or of the relationship over their own. When they are empath in relationships with narcissists, which is often the case, this leads to an empath repeatedly forgiving someone for the same hurtful behavior, as they connect very deeply with others and believe any relationship can be improved or salvaged. They may even find themselves apologizing for the faults of the other for the sake of progressing the relationship.


As they mature, they realize the need to be more balanced and to let go of their people-pleasing tendencies. But learning to say no and put themselves first from time to time is often a lifelong journey. It takes a moment to learn, but a lifetime to master.


In the workplace, empaths often struggle in environments that have harsh office politics. If they are in toxic situations, they will protect themselves, but will never use the tactics used on them against others. They would rather get fired than push people down just so they can be on top. I have an office politics book to help empaths survive if you’re interested.


When empaths begin to realize their own self-worth and that their needs are as important as another’s, that is when an empath becomes empowered. An empowered empath is rare, but I believe an empowered empath is a force to be reckoned with and it is my goal to get as many empaths to that state as possible.


As I said at the beginning, this is how to define an empath in a nutshell. It truly is only a summary, there is so much more depth to us than what I can write in this article. What I included here is what I believe to be the core of an empath. I didn’t even get into the roller coaster of emotions and side effects of taking on another’s energy.


If you want to learn more about empaths or are curious about whether you might be one, you should definitely check out this post where I have a video detailing 19 characteristics that define an empath. And this post too where I really get down to the one trait that defines an empath. If you know you are one and could use some help coping, be sure to join my free empath survival course and toolkit.


In both my 19 traits of an empath video and the free empath training course, I also cover what I believe to be the empath’s role in our society. It’s a great one so if you are an empath, it’s time to start believing in yourself because you came here with a big mission to fulfill :)  


If you are ready to get on your journey of empowerment, check out this post where I have a short video that will help you put yourself first, especially when you need it most. I truly believe empaths have so much to teach and will be our best guides and leaders and I am happy to be a part of your journey to empowerment.