How to Deal with Difficult People

"No matter what you do, you will never be good enough." These weren't the exact words he said, but this is without a doubt, the attitude he carries. 

More accurate to his words:

"I don't care about the limitations of how technology works or the limitations of my knowledge of it, if I say it can be done, it can. And I don't care if I didn't give you the information you needed, you should have asked me to send you the information you didn't know existed. You don't deserve to be paid." 

This is the mentality of one of my customers. No matter how hard you try, he cannot be pleased. 

And so I was faced with this question last week: how do I work with someone who can't be reasoned with? 

The answer is, compassion. Can compassion fix this problem and heal the relationship? That's never for certain, and not always up to us. Relationships are a two-way street. But it is often the best option. 

And so I did, I showed compassion and brought it into the business world. How?

"No matter what you do, you'll never be good enough." His attitude was the key. Watch the video to hear the full story.