Heart Messages

Chart Your Destiny in the Stars

Chart Your Destiny in the Stars

Once you have done this, it is time to let it go completely. And move on with your own business. There is much to do, much to get ready for and prepare.

What am I preparing for?, you might ask. Some of you have ideas, and others of you are at a total loss for what it might be. It does not matter where you are on that spectrum. It is still time to ready your ship.

How do I get ready for something I know nothing about?, you ask next. By taking inventory, of course. Of what? Why..., of yourself…

Are you honoring the gems of your life?

There is so much beauty and joy to see in the world and to experience each day in our own lives. Each day offers something for us to appreciate, and often even something for us to get excited about. It doesn't matter how low we may feel, there is always something special that reveals itself to us each day. And that is the gem of life.

As we unearth this gem, clean it off, admire it, we uncover other gems lying in the same bed as well. Soon we have a whole collection of jewels that are our life, our memories, the various moments to reflect on. And we realize that there are, and will always be, even more gems to be found if we keep digging.

What gems exist in your life today? What gems are you leaving where they are, instead of digging out, picking up, dusting off, polishing, and admiring? What gems may be discovered as a result of this first one?

Feeling Unworthy of Love and Abundance?

Early in my dating life, I had a hard time accepting money from my partners. I felt queasy when they bought me dinner or drinks. Often to relieve myself of that stress, I'd pick up the tab before they even had the chance. I didn't feel worthy of their, or anyone's, resources.

Of course, this feeling of unworthiness in love that I carried so deep within me manifested into break up after break up. It didn't matter if they thought I was worthy, because I didn't believe I was. And that spilled not only into dinner and drinks, but into feelings of unworthiness of being in the relationship itself! It took me a while to realize the root of this pattern. But once I did, everything changed.

You Will Achieve Physical Manifestation by Doing This

Last weekend I was in the pool while vacationing in New Orleans. I was treading water for a bit when I had an idea. I went to a shallower part of the pool where I could touch the ground and waited for the surface of the water to smooth out and calm down.

Then in a quick flowy motion I moved my hands, which were several inches under the water, and watched what happened…

How to Deal with Difficult People

How to Deal with Difficult People

"No matter what you do, you will never be good enough." This is the mentality of one of my customers. No matter how hard you try, he cannot be pleased. And so I was faced with this question last week: how do I work with someone who can't be reasoned with? It turns out, his attitude was the key.