Business Coaching

How to make sure you get the most out of your reading

Tarot and psychic readings are really powerful ways of allowing spirit to speak to us and share what we most need to know in this moment about what is on our minds. If you are planning to get a tarot or psychic reading, here is how to make sure you get the most out of your experience!

Law of Attraction for Entrepreneurs - How to Have Beginner's Luck Every Day

Earlier today, a social media manager and digital marketer who has been at her business for years said she is on the verge of giving up on her life-long dream of having her own business.

She has been watching people with much less experience making $10K/mo, and is discouraged that she herself has been struggling to attract clients.

She had tried Upwork, but the competition seemed too high, and they expect her to do everything for much less than she deserves.

So, what gives?

Why You Aren't Self-Motivated

From a very young age, we are told what to learn, what to do, where to sit, and how to behave. Once we start school, we are subjected to the rules of others for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. If we step outside of any lines, we get punished for being disruptive, disobedient, and misbehaving. What effect does being told what to do constantly, bring? We never learn how to be self-motivated!…

How to Deal with Difficult People

How to Deal with Difficult People

"No matter what you do, you will never be good enough." This is the mentality of one of my customers. No matter how hard you try, he cannot be pleased. And so I was faced with this question last week: how do I work with someone who can't be reasoned with? It turns out, his attitude was the key.

Build Your Abundance Hologram

Build Your Abundance Hologram

To become masters of our reality, we must understand the rules of that reality. And the reality is, behind the veil, our universe operates like a hologram. If you have a piece of the image, the rest of the image can be filled in. Every piece contains the whole within itself, and the whole is made up of all the pieces. Here’s how to use this knowledge to bring more abundance into our life.

Are you dragging your feet on buying paid advertising?

Are you dragging your feet on buying paid advertising?

Investing in paid advertising can seem like a drag. If we haven’t done it before and we’re not planning to hire it out, it can seem like one more thing we have to learn or add to our to-do list. If you’ve grown your business to a mid- or large sized company through organic marketing, paid advertising may be easier for you than you think.