How to Speak Up for What Matters

Earlier this week, I was put in the position of having to choose between my job, or the health and safety of myself and others. It was uncomfortable, to say the least. 

I, and the rest of my sales team, was asked to travel across the country for our bi-annual meeting... This was against the backdrop of cases rising to new highs every day here in Texas, and American Airlines announcing they would fill every seat on the plane anyways. 

I knew it was irresponsible for me to be leaving the state. For one, I could very well be a carrier, not know it, and unknowingly infect the rest of the team - who would then go on to unknowingly infect their loved ones. For another, I could pick up the virus while traveling, and bring it home to my family, some of whom are much older and have underlying health concerns. 

It wasn't hard to know my choice, but it was certainly anxiety inducing to speak up on it. I know many on the team, including some in management, are closet anti-maskers... Which really is just another reason not to sit in a room with them for 2, 16-hour days! 

But because of the anti-mask polarization at this time, I knew at the very "least" I was at risk of facing social ridicule in a corporate setting. And at the very most, I could lose my job. Not in that moment, but down the line. 

Despite these very real ramifications, when an opportunity arose for me to speak up... which happened to be in front of the whole sales team because 1-1 wasn't terrifying enough... I did. I simply couldn't feel good about myself if I caused the suffering of another. 

The end result? Someone on the team sent me several thank yous. He was very saddened about this trip. His wife had already gotten COVID and he feared for her life if she got it again. A few others spoke up as well, and a few days later the trip got cancelled. 

We live in a time when our voice is more important than it has ever been, in so many ways, and on so many levels. Straying from the herd can cost you, but sticking with the herd can cost others more. 

You have a message to share, the only thing holding you back is fear. And that is exactly what we talk about in this video. How to release the fear that is holding you back from speaking up on the things that matter. It's time for you to be heard.