How to Forgive Others

When I was much younger, I used to forgive and forget. Forgive and forget. Over and over, as most children in their innocence do.

But as I noticed people repeating the same mistakes, requiring forgiveness from me for the same things, my open heart started to close.

And as a teen, I started to “forgive but remember”. I forgave, but didn't allow myself to get fooled again.

Of course, as time wore on and I got older, even this cycle started to break down. And “forgive but remember” took shape as “begrudge and remember.”

It wasn’t until my early 20’s and a lot of self reflection, that I finally opened my heart up again. And it wasn’t until my late 20’s that I found the right balance of for-giving and receiving.

There is nothing wrong with having a sense of weariness from relevant experience. If we never learned not to touch a hot stove after the first time, we wouldn't have made it very far as a species. 🤣

A completely open heart is a heart not in balance. But so is a closed one. A heart closed so tight it can't let go, is one that will ware us down to exhaustion. Neither of these options is ideal.

Today we talk about how to reopen our heart to forgiveness after a lifetime of beat downs. The first step, starts with reopening our heart to ourselves ❤️
