Energy Healing to Release Shame

Shame is a powerful emotion. And it is so often used as a tool to control another.

Just last week I went to a religious institution to look at possible wedding venues. I was already at the front door, but they refused me entry unless I entered through the back door because I am a woman. 

I was taken by surprise, and for a moment, I felt ashamed. I felt less than for being a woman. Until I remembered I am a warrior.

I obviously will never return to that place. But that doesn't mean the feelings of shame or being less than aren't still with me. 

It is my job now, to honor those emotions and heal them within myself. For, in doing so, I will heal them in the collective subconscious as well. 

At the end of the day, we are all connected. We are all one. When we hurt one, we hurt all. But also, when we heal one, we heal all. 

If you hold shame within you on any level, I hope this healing helps you. And trust that in healing your wounds, you are serving greater humanity as well.